Chapter 32- Twelve

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Naruto...Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang as the twelve year old blew out his candles. The crowd clapped as the whiskered boy grinned, happy to be the center of attention. I say crowd with a grain of salt. It was Shinasui, Sasuke, Kiba, Tsume, Team Gai and I sitting around the table. I had Naruto hand out invitations at school for any of his classmates and friends to come over but all had rejected except for Sasuke and Kiba. I have received rejection notices from several parents including the Haruno's and the Yamanaka's...people Kushina and Minato had worked with in the past. I didn't understand why so many people had denied coming to something as simple as Naruto's twelfth birthday until I received an angry letter from someone's parent. They were insulted that I would 'dare invite them to an event for the class nobody. They would never put their child in danger to be around the child nine-tailed fox.' I was livid when I read the point that I wanted to march down to their home and strangle them for having the tenacity for saying something so cruel about my child. Kurama was all for it. He felt insulted for being used as a derogatory term. If it wasn't for Itachi being with me when I read it...I probably would have hurt someone. I didn't want my son feeling low about himself so I made sure the responses were a secret.

I pulled out the candles and cut the chocolate cake that had his name on it. I passed it around to the children first, making sure Shinasui had a very tiny slice considering she is a she-devil on sugar. Naruto was giggling and chatting with Kiba and Sasuke...something I was happy about. It was clear that those two boys were his best friends. Shina was sitting in Uncle Gai's lap since her daddy and her "husband" Itachi were on missions. Ugh my daughter is going to be such a headache in her teens. She has been eyeing up Neji all night, wanting to play with him. I was about to sit down to eat my own piece of cake when I heard a timid knock on the door. 

"Who could that be?" I mumbled out loud. I walked towards the door and opened it to see Iruka and a little girl standing at his feet while holding a small gift. She was blushing heavily, her eyes were a pupiless lavender, much like Neji's. 

"Hi there sweetheart! Are you here for the party?" I smiled sweetly at her, attempting to ease her social discomfort. Iruka smiled at me after she shyly nodded.

"I was on my way over here to give Naruto my gift when I saw my student Hinata also heading over. Hope you have room for two more?" He asked. Hinata blushed, her dark navy hair was cut short. She was so cute!

"Of course! I just cut the cake, feel free to dig in!" The little girl bowed and gave me a soft thank you while I greeted Iruka with a friendly hug. The two came into the house, Hinata slowly making her way over to the crowd. 

"I'm happy you could come Iruka. I'm even happier a classmate of Naruto's came to celebrate too. I was getting really worried." Iruka gave me a sorry expression before sighing.

"Mind if we talk later?" I nodded, getting an idea already of what he was about to say. The kids welcomed Hinata with open arms except for Neji who gave her an unmistakable death glare. I wonder what that's all about. It then dawned on me that Neji was a Hyuga and the princess of the clan was named Hinata. Ahh...a clash between main branch and side branch I see.

"Hi Hinata! I didn't know you were coming ya know!" Naruto smiled at her. Her face turned fully red and she shook slightly as she held out her gift for him.

"N-naruto...I-I brought y-you s-something..." She whispered. I was grinning from ear to ear. This sweet little girl must have a crush on Naruto. Naruto smiled as he took her perfectly wrapped gift and opened it. He pulled out a little green frog coin pouch, something that looked absolutely adorable. Naruto was surprised and had a little streak of red on his cheeks seeing something thoughtful from Hinata.

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