Chapter 13- Minako Sensei? (Edited 1/30/20)

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"Lunch is ready ya know!" I chimed. The mouthwatering smell traveled throughout the kitchen, exciting the two boys sitting at the kitchen table.

"Alright! You ready for some chow little guy?!" Jiraiya cheerfully asked Little Naruto who was happily sitting in his high chair at the kitchen table. Jiraiya bought it for him, little frogs decorated the white plastic. It was quite cute and he of course loved making messes in it. I made some rice balls for Master Jiraiya and I before our day of training and ground up some carrots finely so that way Naruto could eat that. Mikoto taught me all these cool things I can do to feed him and how I should do it...honestly I'd be clueless without her help. I had no idea babies could be so much work! Naruto giggled and babbled something incoherent to Jiraiya who played along.

"Oh yeah? Well tell your Aunt Mina to hurry up because sensei is hungry!" Naruto shook a little toy in his hand and giggled again. He was such a happy little baby. He lit up my world, easing the hurt I constantly felt...and making me feel less lonely since Kakashi is always out on missions. I placed the plate of rice balls in the center of the table and then took the small cup with Naruto's food. Jiraiya was munching happily, eating one while holding another in his hand.

"Swo, gwood." He mumbled while having food in his mouth.

"HEY! Save some for me ya know!" I growled at him. Naruto slammed his hands on his little table in front of his highchair, the place where I put his baby food. He was getting fussy because he was hungry.

"Alright! Alright. Sheesh Naruto." I sighed. I put a clean bib around him and started feeding him the carrot puree. Somehow, after feeding him for a few minutes, his entire face got covered in the orangey-pink mush and I had some in my hair. Jiraiya patted his rounded and full belly, laughing at my misfortune.

"Glad I didn't have any kids. I'd never be able to deal with that." He laughed. I remained adamant with my Naruto, wiping off his face. He seemed to be pretty full from eating so I finally got to eat my own food, soon to find it was ice cold now. I sighed and pouted.

The sacrifice of a mother...


After finishing my training for the day, I picked up Naruto from the Uchiha's and walked home with him. I held him against my hip and talked to him about my day even though I knew he didn't understand me, occasionally giving him kisses on the forehead and holding him up in the air to make him giggle. The air was a little cold so he was bundled up like a marshmallow, thick layers of puffy clothes keeping him warm. He was just so cute! I took him to the park, a place we walked to every day no matter the weather. We traveled behind some trees and past a few dirt paths before coming to the one place only Naruto and I knew about...the little koi fish pond that Minato had taken me to. I sat on the ground, in front of the pond while holding little Naruto in my lap, hugging him to me.

"This is a place your father had entrusted to me, along with you." I spoke softly to my nephew. He smiled at me almost as if he understood before tugging on a strand of my red hair. I never had my speech problem around Naruto, similar to how I was with Kakashi.

"Your father was a hero. He was a kind, sweet, and selfless man. He was much like a father to me in many ways, just like how your mother was with me." I continued.

"I met him when I was three years old, he came to my house trying to talk to my sister. She turned him down though and ignored him. It was quite funny actually although he was stubborn and kept pestering her. However, a year later, he saved her from some bad guys and my sister realized she was in love. Ever since that day, your mom and dad were inseparable, two honest halves to a whole. Your daddy did everything for me, helped me with scraped knees, wiped my tears, took care of me when I was sick...he never stepped away from an opportunity to help. I never have known someone with such an honest and good heart as him..." I spoke as a single tear billowed out of my eye and rolled down my cheek. Naruto then leaned his arm up and touched the tear, looking at it with intrigue.

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