Chapter 35- Candidate

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"Team 7 will be Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno..."


"...and Sasuke Uchiha."

"No!" I raised my hand.

"Iruka sensei! How come a great ninja like me has to be on the same team as a lousy ninja like Sasuke?!"

"Well Naruto, you had the lowest scores in the class and Sasuke had the highest. Naturally, we needed to even it out." The whole classroom chuckled.

"Just don't get in my way...loser..."

"ERRG WADDAYA SAY?!" Sakura hit me on the head to quiet me down. I was just so annoyed! Why did I have to be paired with mister know-it-all! Every team had been announced and now we were waiting for our senseis to arrive. Kiba and Shikamaru's team had left and now we were just waiting for our sensei. Not much time had passed before the door had opened and a tall man walked through. Sasuke's eyes completely widened.

"Team 7. Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha...I am your new sensei." He gave the young Uchiha a heart stopping grin.

"I am Itachi Uchiha."


"Introduce yourselves." Itachi asked of us. I don't know why he's doing that considering he obviously knows Sasuke and I. Maybe it was to make Sakura feel less left out.

"Well..?" Itachi carried on.

"Um..Itachi Sensei, could you please show us an example?" Sakura asked. Itachi crossed his arms and moved stray black hairs away from his face.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha, student of Minako Uzumaki...the Red Flash. I am nineteen and a jonin. I am the heir of the Uchiha clan and I dream of..." He took a pause, looking at me for a moment before sighing. " the clan. You, with the pink hair, you're next."

"My name is Sakura Haruno and I am twelve years old. I dream of...*giggle*...I really like...*giggle*...and I just...*giggle*.." Itachi sighed.

"Next." I was next to Sakura.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am also twelve. I have a little sister named Shinasui and my favorite food is ramen. One day I am going to be Hokage so everyone will respect me and start treating me like I'm somebody, somebody important!" Itachi chuckled under his breath.

"So much like her..." He whispered. "Next." He continued.

"I am Sasuke Uchiha...I am not particularly fond of anything. My dream is to avenge my fallen clan and restore it alongside my brother." Itachi's face for a moment showed concern before masking it once again.

"Great, you're all very different. Meet me here tomorrow at five am, we will be doing an activity tomorrow that my sensei did for me. If you are late, you are immediately disqualified. Any questions? No? Okay dismissed." Sakura walked away waving good bye and Sasuke and I were getting ready to leave when Itachi grabbed the back of our collars.

"Hey!! What's the big idea?!"I exclaimed. Sasuke raised an eyebrow at his older brother until he dropped us.

"Listen up you two. I will be treating everyone equally on this team so don't expect easy or special treatment because you are my brother and you are Minako's son. You will also treat Sakura as an equal team member. If you do not..." Itachi leaned in real close to Sasuke and I's faces, causing us to cringe.

"There will be consequences." He then walked away, leaving Sasuke and I confused and kind of afraid.


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