Silver Starlet Preview

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It's here! I've been working on it since Christmas. Hopefully you'll enjoy this tiny sneak peak...



This morning I woke up unsuspecting that this would be the day my life would change forever. I mentally prepared myself with my usual routine: training, shower, then breakfast. I looked at my bedside table to see a picture of me holding my niece and nephew with a smile on my face and one of Neji grinning at me in another. I felt my heart race slightly, just enough that I had motivation to get out of bed this freaking early in the morning.  

With a heavy groan, my feet connected with the cold hardwood floor of my home. I wrapped myself up in my blanket, doing my best to avoid the shivering cold wintertime air that greeted me. I looked out my window to see a thick blanket of least favorite thing in the world. No training for me today. 

"Ugh..." I turned away so I could mope over to the bathroom to see what my hair looked like this dreary morning.

"Ahh...a bird's nest. My favorite style." I groaned sarcastically when I saw the heavily tangled pearly locks. I brushed my hair as thoroughly as I could before hopping into a nice hot shower.


I was scoffing down some waffles while dressed warmly in a thick violet sweater when I heard a knock on the door. I quickly wiped my mouth with a napkin before getting up to greet whomever was standing there. I opened the door to see Neji standing on my doorstep, his cheeks rosy from the cold.

"Lady Shinasui, may I have a word with you?" Ever since my mother became Hokage, he never called me anything other than  Lady Shinasui. I've always asked him to call me Shina instead but he refused, saying it would be 'disrespectful'. My heart fluttlered a bit at the idea that Neji wished to speak to me before I realized he was still waiting for an answer.

"O-oh yeah sure. Inside or outside?" 

"I prefer if we take a walk." Really Neji? It must be like four degrees out there! 

"Okay, let me get my coat." I quickly put on my coat and boots before heading out with Neji. We were silent while I had Neji lead the way. We walked halfway across the village before entering a gazebo with dry benches.  I took a look around and realized despite my hate for the cold, wet was actually quite beautiful outside.

"The snow looks wonderful, doesn't it?" Neji asked, practically reading my mind. I smiled at him, his eyes not meeting mine.

"That was exactly what I was thinking." He was thoughtful again before sitting on the bench and patting down the spot next to him. I obeyed and was immediately warmed by his body heat radiating to me. His sweet scent was intoxicating, my heart was beating so loud, I would be surprised if he didn't hear it.


"Neji, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Shina. We're so close, there's no need." He clearly looked uncomfortable with doing so but finally adhered to my demand. 

"Alright. Shina...there's something I need to tell you." I was listening intently...was this finally the moment where he proclaimed his love for me?! Did he want me to be his girlfriend?! This is so exciting!! My violet eyes looked innocently at him before he grasped my gloved hands in his.

"Shina, I'm getting married." My pupils shrunk and I felt a lump in my chest as tears threatened my eyes. I blinked them away, hoping my shaking hands and wavering voice would go unnoticed.

"T-that's great Neji." Neji shook his head at me, taking one of his hands away from mine and wiping a traitorous tear that escaped.

"You don't have to pretend Shina. I've always known how you felt about me and I'm sorry I never produced the same feeling. Please forgive me for hurting you like this. I promise that was never my intent. I only wish for your happiness. I have decided the time has come for me to settle down and I have chosen Tenten as my bride. You are young with a lifetime ahead of you to fall in love with someone that can care for you in ways I cannot. I will always have a soft spot for you just will not be in the way you desire." I stayed silent for a few moments, trying desperately to strengthen my wavering voice. I had very little time left before I broke down in tears of agony.

"I...understand." Neji stood up, bringing me with him before giving me a tight hug.

"I'm sorry that I must break your heart. I never wanted to ever hurt you this way but I wanted you to be the first to know about my engagement. You, after all, are incredibly special to me...don't forget that." The tears began to flow silently, scattered breaths gave it away however.

"I won't." I murmured with a broken heart. Neji cradled my face before placing a delicate kiss on my forehead, giving me his final goodbye as a man I just a normal guy. Neji left me to my thoughts, the pain of which consumed me. I felt like my heart was ripped out and stomped on, the heat in his words burned me. I held myself as I stood alone under a snowy gazebo, trying desperately to nurse my pain. I had loved Neji since I could remember. He was everything I ever wanted, smart, talented, sweet, protective, respectful...handsome...he was everything I desired...

But he wasn't mine.

To be honest, I should have known. He was twenty seven and I was nineteen...a little far apart in age if you are as young as I am. Neji already had a career from being a ninja, I am just starting my prime time... we were too different to work. At least that was what I was telling myself. 

I sobbed verbally as I held myself, shivering in the cold. All of a sudden, a warm blue scarf was wrapped around my neck and mouth, heating me instantly.

"You're gonna catch a cold if you stay out here." I recognized the voice easily.

"I'm not in the mood for a fight today Kono." 

"I'm not looking for one." I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder before being pulled into a muscular chest. I didn't want company. I wanted to be alone and be able to reveal my broken heart without judgement...but it seemed I wouldn't be able to have that.

"Why are you here?" I whispered with fear of a cracking voice. I didn't fool him.

"Consoling a friend. However I need to meet up with Naruto sensei. No more crying Shina. See ya!" The warmth left my body, leaving me as an empty shell. I looked up to see Konohamaru running away before remembering his scarf.

"Kono you forgot your-!" He was gone.

"...scarf..." I held the blue scarf of my rival closely, trying to absorb the warmth he left. Now there's nothing left for me to do than to go home.

Uzumaki Clan: Scarlet SaviorWhere stories live. Discover now