Chapter 28- New Mission (Edited 2/17/21)

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I carried my daughter around the park with a small stroller and a soft smile on my face. She was such a daddy's girl, always wanting to go on adventures. Mina laughed at me and declared me as completely smitten with our daughter. The second she cried, I was there. When she wanted to be held, I was there. The girl was only a few months old and Shinasui already had me wrapped around her little finger. My arms were getting tired so I decided to place her in the stroller. We walked through the park and some women oogled over me while I was with my daughter. I rolled my eyes before telling Shinasui all about the world around her. I described to her the trees and the flowers we saw. I explained the birds chirping in the air and the squirrels munching on random nuts and such. She was giggling, my favorite sound in the world.

I pulled the stroller in front of a bench and took my book out, letting Shinasui watch the world around her with wonder. I heard a sound and glanced up to see a man in a dark cloak vanish before my eyes. I jumped up in a panic only to see Shinasui cuddled up with a little black stuffed bear in her stroller. A stuffed bear that wasn't there before.

"That's odd... That stranger must have given her a gift..." I was a little untrusting of the foreign object and lifted up my head band to look with the sharingan to see if it was tampered with. There was nothing odd with it at all, just a normal stuffed animal. I shrugged and sat back down, reading my book. I sighed and sweatdropped at the thought of how panicked I was over something so small. This girl already turned me into an overprotective Dad. 

Good grief.


"Shinasui come to Mommy!" The little girl was crawling, reminding me of when I was fourteen and having to do this with Naruto. Eight years of maturity sure does wonders for patience with children. I was sitting on the ground as Shinasui moved around on her little hands and knees, making babbling sounds as she did. Her eyes were a brighter violet than mine, a beautiful contrast to her ivory hair. She had Kakashi's father's hair by the looks of it. There was the slightest hue of pink to her hair, some of my ginger genes tinting the white I'm guessing. Shinasui responded well to the sound of my voice, looking up at me and sometimes giggling when she saw me. She was clearly a happy baby that loved both of her parents. 

Kakashi was on a mission, his first one since the baby was born, and Naruto was at the Academy, leaving Shinasui and I home alone. It was good for us to have quality Mother-Daughter bonding time considering Naruto always wanted to play with her and Kakashi couldn't have her out of his sight. Just watching him leave for his mission the other day was a comedy act in itself. I swear the shinobi was on the brink of tears. A tap on the window alerted me, a small smile on my face at who I knew it was. I let Shinasui roll around on the floor, playing with a little stuffed black bear that Kakashi must have given her. I opened up the window and the Uchiha I grew up with quickly jumped through. 

"Obito! Coming to visit? I don't know why you just don't come when Kakashi's home! He would love to see you ya know." Obito's maskless face flinched before scratching the back of his head. 

"It would be too dangerous for too many people to know of my existence." I sweatdropped before sighing. So much for trying to get them to see each other...He looked over my shoulder to see my baby girl rolling around on the ground. He gave her a cute grin, one that reminded me of the Obito I knew as a child. 

"Anyway, I came here to see the baby." I raised an eyebrow before giving him a mocking smile.

"Awwh does Obwito have a wittle soft spot." He blushed while sweatdropping. He walked towards the baby and looked down at the little stuffed bear she had. He smiled brightly at it while picking her up. She giggled uncontrollably as she snuggled into his shoulder.

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