Chapter 15- One Year (Edited 2/4/20)

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"Good work Shisui and way to be there Itachi, ya know!" I cheered. The boys and I were finishing up a day of training. Kakashi was supposed to come home from another mission today and I was super excited. This weekend was Naruto's first birthday and I wanted him to be there.

Itachi and Shisui were incredibly advanced shinobis, already passing their chunin exams at the same rate Kakashi and I did. Despite us being only a team of three, we were the only team of their generation of ninjas that had a 100 percent success rate.

"Okay guys that's enough for today. You have this weekend off! Although I expect to see you both on my nephew's birthday ya know! Consider it a mission!" I grinned. Itachi nodded and blushed slightly while Shisui grinned.

"Sweet! More of Mina sensei's cooking!" Shisui cheered. I rolled my eyes with a smile before wiping some sweat from my brow. I dismissed the boys and headed over to Gai's place since he was watching Naruto today. I arrived in a matter of minutes to see the odd man in a bunny suit dancing in front of a giggling Naruto. I started laughing and Gai pulled me towards him.

"Ah the sweet Lotus flower of the Leaf!" I gave Gai a friendly hug before picking my nephew up. I gave him kisses on his cheeks and held him towards me. All my stress and anxiety immediately vanished and a smile made its way to my face. Only Naruto and Kakashi had that affect on me. Only they could make me feel so relaxed. I thanked Gai for watching Naruto before heading home. It started getting dark and I quickly stopped by the KIA stone with my nephew in my arms. He was calming down, laying his head on my chest to listen to my heartbeat and snuggle in my warmth. It was early October, the fall season settling in and the slightly chilled air showed that. The leaves started to shed from trees and colors of gold, red, and green scattered across the ground. Kushina always loved Fall. It was her favorite season out of all. I walked towards the stone and sighed as I spoke a little prayer aloud towards all of my friends and family on the stone. I missed them so much... The pain never went away. It dulled but didn't dissappear.

"Say Hi to Mommy and Daddy Naruto." I spoke to him. His bright blue eyes and head of wild yellow hair moved up to look at me, his tiny little fingers touching my cheek. Naruto mumbled something that wasn't a word and I smiled wide. He tried so hard to talk sometimes and I was so proud.

" Kushina, Minato... Your son is such a gift." I spoke to the stone.


Naruto was fast asleep in his crib, sucking his thumb slightly and holding on to a little stuffed fox I gave to him. He had his own room now since a few months ago I was able to buy Kakashi and I (mostly for me) our own apartment which was near the Uchiha compound. It was a stand alone building with a single floor, just like a house, except it was incredibly small in size. I sighed and quickly dressed in Kakashi's old shirt, his scent making me smile. I was so excited to see him, the distance from him being an Anbu was killing me...especially since I couldn't join him. I also wanted him to see how much Naruto had developed. He started really trying to walk and talk...he even recognized his own name! I laid in bed with the lights off, the room was entirety black. I closed my eyes hoping I could get a little sleep in before Kakashi woke me. I fell into a light slumber until I felt fingers caress my cheek and smooth out my hair. I smiled slightly before sitting up and feeling his sculpted chest since I couldn't see. I moved my hands further up to go behind his neck and moved myself closer to him.

"I missed you." I whispered. He said nothing but brought his lips to mine with a ferocious passion. Never before has he given me this much affection in a single kiss. It was like he was putting his whole heart out if he missed me more than anything. The back of my head hit the pillow as I let him take over, his lips moving against mine as if the world didn't matter. I moaned quietly when I felt his hands rubbing circles on my hips, our bodies intertwined. I went to cradle his cheeks in my hands when I felt that the one side of his face was severely scarred.

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