Guitar Shop - Ray Toro

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Another day meant another shift at your local guitar store. You loved working here for all of the customers were so fun to talk to and be around, even though one tried to rob you 2 months ago. One customer in particular really caught your attention. He came into the shop almost everyday to practice on the electric guitars. Concentration was always painted all over his body language. He rarely bought anything, and if he did it was usually just guitar straps or plectrums.

Rustling around your pockets for the keys to the building, you didn't notice a man with brown poofy, curly hair casually stride up next to you. Looking up from your hassle, you smiled at him and he returned that smile. Ah it was the regular customer!

"Are you okay.." he asked, looking at you with some concern.

"Oh yeah, sorry I'm just looking for my keys, I could've sworn I picked them up. This is just typical for me though, the one day I get trusted enough to open the store I fail."
You said, half to him and half to yourself.

"Are these them?" He said pointing to your jacket pocket where two shiny silver keys poked out.

Oh for goodness sake... I look like an idiot now.

"Oh." You simply put, trying not to word vomit all your embarrassment out onto this loyal customer. You hadn't really taken a proper look at what he looks like because he was always looking down onto his guitar and his hair covered most of his face.
Unlocking the door, you looked round at him. Oh my lord he looks handsome. He had a very pretty face, big brown eyes and a lovely kind smile.
"Come in, you're about 2 hours earlier than your usual arrival." You said, laughing as you walked over to the desk.
He followed you in.

"Wow it's so empty and quiet at this time." He said, astonished.
"I have to buy a guitar for later, I completely forgot about it until the day I need it." He said laughing.

"What's it for if you don't mind me asking." You smiled, setting up the cash holder and the computer.

"Band practice, we aren't very good yet, in-fact we have barely just started." He meekly spoke, scratching behind his head in nervousness. "We have a gig set for next month and it's freaking me out a bit."

"Woah, no that's really cool. What's your bands name, wait that's silly, I don't even know your name!" You laughed.

"Oh it's okay, I'm Ray Toro and the bands My Chemical Romance..." his voice got quieter near to the end of that sentence.

"Don't be shy, that band name sounds sick! And you have such an awesome name." you smiled.

"Thanks (y/n), your name is really lovely." He said blushing slightly.

"How do you know my name?" You said, feeling bad for not knowing his earlier.

"Well the first day I entered this shop all I could see was your boss getting mad at the workers because of a recent robbery I think it was, nobody else was in the shop so I felt pretty awkward. Anyway you were going quite red and you seemed nervous and I felt really bad for you and then he started yelling your name like three times and told you off for not locking the shutters after the door." He smiled, proud he remembered that all.

"Wow, that was two months ago, your memory is pretty sharp." You smiled.

After you two talked for a bit about the shop and how My chemical romance formed, you saw a few other customers enter, that reminded Ray he needed to buy a guitar and fast. He picked out a beautiful red guitar after playing it for about ten minutes in the corner of the shop. He payed the money to you and you asked if you could buy him some plectrums or a strap.

"Thank you so much (y/n)." He smiled. "Uh, I was wondering if you would come to my first show?" He asked, sheepishly.

"Uhm I would love to." You blushed. You both exchanged numbers and wrote the date on your calendar so you wouldn't forget.

Mcr One Shots //  Ray Mikey Frank GerardWhere stories live. Discover now