I love it - Mikey Way

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Your friend Mikey had a birthday coming up and you had absolutely NO idea what to get him. He likes everything. However it was still hard to find something he would use. Last year you'd got him a bass strap and some picks. The year before you got him a new cap and some jeans. This year he told you he wanted something bizarre.
Not every shop around you sold stuff that was so called 'bizarre'. The closest thing was a toy shop that sold pottery animals. One toy in particular caught your eyes. It was a blue and white horse with a yellowy-blonde mane. It was so pretty and something that could pass as bizarre.


Mikey's birthday

  As Mikey opened his presents from his band mates and his brother, he was piling up his items from them.
Cologne, a new watch, a new bass that was split between the whole band, some new trainers and some alcohol.
"Thanks guys." Mikey smirked, clearly happy with what he got.

"Hey but (y/n) needs to give you theirs." Gerard said, pointing to the black and green glittery present bag you had by your feet as you sat on the couch.

"Yeah, didn't you ask them for something bizarre?" Ray asked.

"Yeah I did." Mikey replied, keeping the smirk for longer.

"Go onnnn I'm excited now." Frank whined impatiently.

"Okayyy hold on." You said, reaching for his card first.

"Open this before anything else." You prompted.

"Okay." Mikey replied as he took the envelope off you.

He opened it with delight to see a bass themed card. Inside was written a happy birthday message from you and a gift voucher fell out.

"Yo, a music card, thanks!" Mikey said to you, gratefully.

"Open the stuff Mikeyyyyy." Frank said impatiently yet excited.

"Someone would think it's your birthday Frank."Gerard said and then laughed.

You gave Mikey the bag, worried he wouldn't like the items you got him. You'd bought him a couple extras because the horse wasn't enough in your opinion.
You watched eagerly, like his bandmates, as he peeled the paper off the horse first. His eyes lit up slightly as he lifted out the present.

"So bizarre, I love it." Mikey smirked again, getting up to place the horse figure on his side table.

"That's rad." Frank grinned. "Can I have one for my birthday (y/n) ?"

"It was the only one apparently." You said, watching Franks grin drop. "But I'll try and find something alike." You reassured him, seeing his smile creep up again.

Mikey then lifted out a box-shaped gift that you'd almost forgotten what was inside it.

"Woah that mini speaker that makes a hell of a noise." Mikey said, clearly pleased with what you also got him.
He continued to reach for another present, opening it carefully. It was a handmade gift this time, a black and dark blue scarf you'd promised him back in January when he told you how cold he was. And lastly, another special gift, a bigger one now, a flat-ish square shaped present.

"I wonder what this could be?!" Ray teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shhhh." You told him.

The more intrigued Mikey got, the more excited he became while ripping the paper off.

"Be careful." You prompted him, worried it may damage what's inside.

"I will be." Mikey smiled. He pulled out the square cardboard and started gently ripping the tag off it to reveal what was inside it.

"HOLY SHIT MAN." Mikey exclaimed, louder than ever before.

He clasped hold of the smashing pumpkins rare drum head, that was signed by the way, and stared at it in awe.

"Oh my goodness I love it so so much." He beamed, his smile bigger than ever before.

"Wow, you did a good job there (y/n)." Frank smiled, nodding at you.

"Thanks, I'm glad he likes it." You replied.

Mikey instantly hung it up on his wall next to his my chem records that were also on the wall. He looked at the now complete collage on the wall and took a minute to take in what happened.

"You've made his year there (y/n)." Gerard smiled warmly at you, thankful.

"I have?" You smiled, feeling proud.

"You have." Mikey replied, launching into a massive hug with you.

"Thanks, you're the best." He said into your shoulder.

Mcr One Shots //  Ray Mikey Frank GerardWhere stories live. Discover now