Beach Boy - Mikey Way

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It was a cold Saturday afternoon, about 3:15pm to be exact. Your mind was corrupted with work and stress and nothing seemed to be going well. You needed a break from the haze of madness, so you took a trip to the beach to take a long, thoughtful walk. You looked over to the shore, it was so quiet and peaceful, up until your eyes scanned over onto a group of 4 men posing in-front of the water. A photographer was also there, she was taking pictures of them as they posed in funny but serious ways. The one on the left appeared cold. Well he appeared more than that, he actually seemed to be your neighbour. Or were you being ridiculous? No, you weren't.

"Mikey?" You asked, walking towards the group.

"Oh hi (y/n)!" He said giving a little wave.

He looked so handsome today, well he did everyday. From the day he moved in he's always brought you to laughter and happiness. He almost made you wee yourself because you laughed so hard from his joke that wasn't even that funny in the end. It was just one of those times where you can't stop laughing for no reason. All these encounters where you talked to him turned into meet ups, away from home. You knew they weren't dates, but you wish they were.

"What are you doing out on this cold day?" He asked, looking particularly cold himself.

"Clearing my mind from the buzz of life." You simply stated.

"Good on you, you seemed stressed earlier." He said.
Oh no that's embarrassing. You thought.

"Soo this must be your band you tell me all about?" You asked him.
"Yeah, this is Mikey, Frank and Gerard." He told you.
"Nice to meet you all!" You smiled at them.
They all returned the greeting and smiled through the freezing wind.

"I was actually going to take a walk along a bit of the coast now." You said to Mikey. "I should get going." You hated leaving him, you really liked Mikey, but if you stayed around him too long, his friends might suspect something from your side of the feelings.

"Wait, can you stay for another 3 or so minutes, I wanna join ya." He said, quickly fixing his outfit and going back to the shoot.

"Okay." You smiled, a bit of blood rushed to your cold cheeks. He's so lovely.

After the shoot, Mikey hugged his pals and they went off. He thanked the photographer and came over to you.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey again, bro you took 5 minutes not 3, liar." You said, gently pushing your shoulder into his.

"Little impatient are we?" He chuckled, doing the same back to you. You found your cold hand was not empty anymore, for Mikey had clasped his hand into yours. What. Really? Is this happening?

"Is this okay?" He asked, looking at you through his cute little glasses.

"Absolutely." You blushed. He blushed too, well you couldn't tell if it was the cold or not, but you were pretty sure he was being shy right now.

You both continued to walk along the beach, always holding hands. He offered to give you his hat to wear, but you wanted him to stay warm as you deal with the cold well. At the other end of the beach, you stopped, looking him in the eyes and said:

"Mikey do you realise how cool you are?" You thought; 'Goodness sake, I was meant to say handsome or pretty or amazing not cool. The cold got on my mind too much.'

"Well I think you're pretty, really pretty." And he kissed your nose and your forehead. He was doing this because he was unsure if he should actually kiss you.
"Come here." You laughed. You brought his lips to yours and you both stood in the cold sand, kissing. His arms went behind your back and brought you in for a warm embrace. He felt even more like home than you two living next door to each other.

"I always knew you liked me (y/n)." He smiled as he rest his head on-top of yours.
"I knew about you too." You lied.
"Haha as if, no you didn't." He kissed your nose.
You both went home in your separate cars but both ended up having dinner at yours.

Mcr One Shots //  Ray Mikey Frank GerardWhere stories live. Discover now