Our Secret Forest Party - Frank Iero

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You were woken by a notification on your phone. You hoped it was the only person special to you, Frank. It wasn't, it was just Snapchat wishing you a happy Valentines day. Great.
You and Frank Iero had been best friends since you were both about 7 and grew up going to theme parks and birthday parties a lot. You knew each other so well and both had many memories together.
From about the age of 15 onwards you noticed you had fallen for Frank, it was only a crush for a year or two but then you realised you might actually love him. It's crazy, you knew that. You didn't want to ruin the bond you already had with just one sentence. You're both 20 now and you still feel this way, you had even written a valentines card to him, but you were way too nervous to give it to him.

Another notification appeared on your screen:

The Dank Frank: wassssssssssup
You: nothing much, just being happy from my valentines message
The Dank Frank: oh, from who?
You: Snapchat ;)
The Dank Frank: HAHAH Sucker
You: whattttt it's not as if you got any?
The Dank Frank: awe you think I'm unworthy of loveeeeee, how embarrassing 🙈
You: did you get any though?
The Dank Frank: Judith the neighbour gave me one, but she gave everyone one 💔 what a player.
You: sucks to be you
The Dank Frank: haha says you, loads of people get one off Snapchat. Anyway come round I'm bored and want to show you something cool.
You: ok be there in like 12 minutes
The Dank Frank: specific much?


You pulled on a pair of flared blue jeans and a yellow bleached Nirvana top. A pair of vans trainers and your bag were all you needed next so you got them and you were off. The twelve minute journey to Frank's house was filled with you blasting music from bands like Green Day and The Foo Fighters.
Once you arrived, you parked up in his paved drive way. You let yourself in since you and Frank have keys for each other's homes. His house was so awesome on the inside. Houseplants dotted around with wooden furniture and pictures of him and his friends on the walls.

"(Y/n)!!!!" He yelled running down his stairs, almost slipping.
"Be careful clumsy." You laughed.
He stuck his tongue out i response. "Hey! I'll take your tongue away if you keep doing that." You joked.
"How rude." He said, putting his hands on his hips.
"Anyway, come on, get in my car so I can take you somewhere rad."

"Frank, does anyone say rad anymore?" You giggled, you were so happy around him. No one else had ever come near to making you feel this way.

"The man the myth the legend, Frank Iero says rad." He said, flashing a peace sign. While you both climbed into his car.

"Dork." You poked his arm.

"Smelly." He poked yours.

"Smellier." You reply crossing your arms and having a pretend tantrum.

"Gosh, so offended." Frank said, stopping at the red light.

"(Y/n)..." he said, the tone changed from joking around to nervous.

"Frank?" You replied, looking at him, unsure of how to read him.

"I- I just hope you likes this okay, I mean you probably will but... if you don't please don't hate me."

Frank was barely ever this serious, it scared you slightly, however something told you he had done something really special.

"If it's your doing Frank, it'll most likely be top notch." You said smiling at him to reassure his nerves. Why is he nervous though? Does he know I really like like him and he is going to end our friendship there? No, he wouldn't do that... would he?

"Now who's the one talking 'out of the era'?" he said jokingly.


The car had driven the usual route you two take to go to places like the cinema or the park, however Frank took a left turn at the roundabout instead of going straight on. He looked over at your face to see the puzzled look painted on it.
"It's a surprise, not a trip to the movies." He chuckled.
Frank had now driven into a part of town you didn't recognise, nobody else was there either. It was almost like a ghost town, however there were a couple cars parked on the side of the road. He kept driving until a forest emerged.

"Almost there." He said, nervously.
Frank had gotten rather quiet recently and it was very unlike him to not be excited about something like this.

"Damnit, it's raining." He said gloomily.

"Hey, it's okay Frank that's alright, I love the rain!" You smiled over at him, trying to lift his mood.

"That's true." He replied.

Frank parked the car right next to the forest and you followed him. The sky was still gloomy, but you could see a twinkle of light in the distance. Frank hadn't noticed it. He pulled out a big black guitar case and a picnic box.

You followed him into the woods, offering to carry stuff for him but he rejected it because he wanted you to have a 'wonderful time'. Gosh, what's he up to.

"Hey, (y/n), sorry if I seem like I'm on edge, I just, well you'll see. Just close your eyes for a sec." he said.
You obeyed and closed them, even covered them with your hands to make sure he knew you were not peeking.

You felt his hands gently remove yours from your eyes, he held on to one of them, although it was hesitant because of his nerves, he wasn't sure what to do exactly but he followed his plan.

Frank's POV:

(Y/n) is so beautiful and amazing, I just don't want to mess this up, I need to tell them how I truly feel but what if I ruin our friendship, it's so so so special to me, the main reason I play music.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Frank had frozen.
"Frank..?" You asked, concern grew inside of you. Oh no, did one of my friends tell him my secret. Why, just why. He's going to end our friendship right here, like one last day out.

"Look Frank, if anyone's said anything to you, please tell me now." You nervously blurted out.

"What? No! No! I'm here to tell YOU something." He smiled, picking up courage.
"I uh, I may have written a song for you." He whispered.
"I would love to play it to you..."

"Really Frank?." You hugged him, glad it wasn't anything bad.

He set out a picnic blanket with humus, cucumber sticks, carrot sticks, apples, your favourite cake, pasta and some cute sandwiches. He also brought your favourite cold drink!

"Oh Frank, this is awesome, you didn't need to do this." You nearly cried.

The fact it was valentines day had completely vanished from your mind, you didn't see what Frank was trying to suggest.

"Sooo, (y/n)..." Frank trailed off as he brought out your favourite guitar of his. He had no amp with him because there was no power source nearby.

"Sorry if it sounds shit without an amp." He apologised.

"I bet it's beautiful anyway." You encouraged him.

Then he began to sing.
Words fell out of his heart and up and out of his mouth. Words that entangled with your attention. Words that complimented you, talked about how good of a pal you were to him. How special your bond is. The guitar didn't sound bad, Frank made it sound pretty. Frank is pretty. His words are pretty. This song is pretty. Our friendship is pretty.
You were so entranced in his way of singing to you that you didn't realise he was staring into your eyes, not the way he usually did when he was teasing you, but more of a mature, loving way. The words grew from talking about an innocent friendship to him longing for more, wanting more from this but not being too sure. You understood how he felt, it was the same with you too.
The song ended and Frank lay his guitar to the side. He bum-shuffled closer to you.
"Hey, (y/n) I'll try and drop the cheesiness, and ask you a question. A question that's been on my mind since high school. Will you uh, go out with me and be my partner?" He sheepishly looked down onto the mat, noticing the piece of paper you'd written to him.
Before you could answer he picked it up and opened it, since it was addressed to him. He read your valentine card to him explaining your feelings.

"Frank, I do want to be with you..." you smiled, hugging him, causing you both to topple over into a heartwarming hug. You both lay there smiling in each others warm embrace. This was perfect.

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