Party Posion - Mikey Way

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Everything was blaring and taking over. Everyone else was having a good time, not you. 'It wasn't fair, why am I not having a good time'  you thought. 'I just want to be happy.'

Another song rolled in, a heavier one, this was a good song, like it read your mind. You weren't good at rave music, however when anything to do with rock or heavy metal came on, you were in your element. The party still stressed you out. Why does everyone have to come to my house for my sisters party, why not her flat? Oh yeah because she thinks my garden has "party potential".  Who even are half of these people? You went over to your couch, next to what seemed like a temporary dance floor. A bunch of boys were moshing, three girls, in-between them, also moshing. You wanted to join but your head couldn't handle it. This party was not your ideal thing. If you called it off now, you'd make no friends, plus your sister would be mad at you forever.
"Hey." A voice said from behind you. You didn't want to talk to anyone right at this moment so you didn't look around.
"I said. Hey." The voice ushered again.
This time you had to look, this person was getting angry. You noticed a blonde- haired man glance over from a distance.
"Hi? Do I know you?" You asked, looking at a short,  man with an eyebrow piercing and black and blue hair.
"No, but my names Kit." He said plonking next to you, a bit too close for you to be comfortable with, but there wasn't any space to move away to.
You sighed heavily.

"Why the big sigh princess?" The man said again. Ok what the hell, this was getting a bit weird, but you still stayed.

There was no reply from you, and for some reason this man laid his hand on your thigh. The blonde man was gone so you couldn't signal for help.
You slapped it off and walked to your room. When you entered, 3 boys were talking to one another, one was dark haired and another was also dark haired with ear piercings and the last had fuzzy brown curls.
"Oops sorry." You said leaving to go to the spare room. This was also occupied by a passed out girl.

"Nowhere is empty." You sighed again.

"I know a place." Spoke the voice of the creepy guy from just before.
Before you could turn, you felt an uncomfortable, stiff grip on your arm that tugged you away from where you were heading.
"What the-" you began, before he interrupted.

"Shush." He said, now putting his arm over your shoulder. You kicked him and pushed his shoulders so you could run away.
What the hell was his problem. Running through the corridor, you ran to the study. This room had a window big enough to climb through. You liked to use this to go up to the roof.
As you usually did when things got stressful, you clambered out of the window and onto the top of your house. You were careful not to fall like you once almost did. However, you nearly did this time when you saw another person up here, sitting alone while the sun set.

"Hey?" You said, scaring the person.

"Oh shoot, hi, am I not meant to be here?" The person replied. You now noticed it was the blonde man from before.

"Nah, it's fine, I do this all the time. Can I join you?" You said, walking over.

"Yep." He said.

"It's so beautiful looking at the sky, something is so capturing about it when the sun goes to disappear." You spoke.

"Definitely is." He replied.

A glimmer of silence just spread between you.

"So, who was that on the sofa before with you?" He asked.

"Just some random creep trying to perve on me." You explained, huddling your knees up to your chest and hugging them.

"Oh no, I am so sorry, If I knew I would've helped." He said. "Oh shoot, my names Mikey by the way."

"Thanks and I'm (y/f/n) (y/l/n)."

A huge crash sounded below the roof and you knew that wasn't good.

"I have to go and check out what that was, I'll be back up in a minute." You said to him.

"Okay." Mikey said, gazing up at the now almost fully set sun.

You made your way back down into the window and through to where the noise probably came from, your room. The three men from before were now stood, frozen with scared and embarrassed looks on their face, however one was on the floor.

"What just happened?" You asked, confused.

"Well uh, Gerard is super tired." The man with piercings said, pointing to the other one who was on the floor, covered in glass.
"So he basically got a bit mad at me and Ray because we said we didn't want to play a specific song for our next concert right, and..."

"I think we should just get to the point." Gerard said, tiredly.

"Gerard basically fell over onto your desk when he tried to storm away and knocked over this vase and the desk itself. Gerard, say sorry." The man said.

"Geez, okay." He said, getting up. He came over to you. Your mind was buzzing at a million miles an hour, what had just happened was, a man you didn't know just broke the only thing your grandma had given you that was special before she died when you were little.

"Sorry." He said, coming in for a hug.

"Gee, you barely know her." Ray said, pulling him off me.

You didn't want to talk about this, everything was just getting more chaotic. So chaotic that it made you swiftly run to the bathroom and huddle up in it, weeping. You forgot to lock it though, meaning anyone could come in, but what do you care anymore.

A soft knock rapped on the white painted wood of the door. Followed by a "(y/n)? Are you in there?"

It was Mikey.

"No." You replied, wiping away your tears with your sleeves.

"Okay, I'll just come in anyway to an empty bathroom." He said, at an attempt to make you laugh.

"I'm fine." You said, looking at him, now bent over you with a concerned face.

"Look Gerard just told me what went down and he didn't mean any of it, but he can help replace it and he even offered to do the hoovering. Now that's quite rare to hear from my brother.

"Oh? He's your brother. Wow I didn't notice." You told him.

"Yeah, some people notice straight away and some don't notice until we tell them." Mikey said.

He saw that you were still crying and wrapped an arm around you once he sat on the floor.

"Look, I can see that the vase wasn't the only bad thing to happen tonight, that guy was, so my brother and friends are telling everyone to go home, this just isn't how it should be you know." He said, sighing.

"Thank you , Thanks a lot Mikey." You attempted a smile through your blurry eyes.

"However, can we move to the living room or somewhere because I'm pretty sure Gerard did a wee on the floor. Mikey said, trying not to laugh.

"Okay, yeah ew." You laughed.

Mikey took you to the living room where you both chilled, his brother ordered a new vase, you didn't tell him it was from your grandmother, you didn't like making others feel too bad. When he was hoovering and the others helped, Mikey made you dinner.

"Wow, this place is trashed. I'll help clean it up."
Mikey said, kindly.

"Hey Gerard!! Bring down the hoover after you're done, there's way more to do!" He yelled up the stairs.

"Honestly you don't need to Mikey." You smiled.

"It's okay." He replied, smiling.

You had found yourself drifting off to the sound of the boys chatting and cleaning. Was this what it's like to have good friends? Am I actually enjoying myself? All these thoughts intertwined with your tiredness and soon enough you were fast asleep.

Mcr One Shots //  Ray Mikey Frank GerardWhere stories live. Discover now