Hangout - Gerard Way

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Your new housemate, Gerard Way had moved in last week and was settling in well. He was getting to know you for you since you'd only known little about each other from high school.

"Remember the days where we would awkwardly sit next to each other and do practical tests in science classes." You smiled, walking into the living room Gerard was also in.

"Oh god yeah, you were really good at them so I let you do all the work." He giggled.

"Things haven't changed dude, you left all your dirty washing outside my door." Another laugh escaped, as you were now trying to be stern.

"I was very tired last night." He admitted.

"From reading comics non- stop." You smiled.

Gerard loves comic books and hadn't stopped being glued to them ever since he moved in.

"It's funny y'know... how we were so shy back then but now we are acting as if we've always been good friends." You explained, picking up a duster to clean the shelves that were accumulating more dirt.

"Yeah, I guess I have always been shy around you." He sighed, looking up at you from yet another comic.

"Hey, lemme help you with that." Gerard smiled, putting down the book and getting another, more worn-out duster for the job. He began to clean along- side you, humming along to the radio that was blurting Mr.Blue Sky from the kitchen.

"You do keep this place spotless (y/n)." Gerard told you, moving onto cleaning the top of the dusty tv.

"I try my best."
3 hours later

A sudden knock sounded from the other side of your bedroom door.

"(Y/n)?" Gerard's voice traveled through it.

"Huh, wassup?" You replied, getting up to open the door.

"Well.." he began, as his face was revealed from the now open door.
"I was just uh wondering if you'd come out with my to hang out with my friends. I mean you don't have to because you don't really know them, but I thought it would be cool for them to meet you." He grinned, blushing slightly.

"I would absolutely love to!" You gave him a smile.

"When?" You wondered.

"Like now if okay?" Gerard admitted.

You grabbed your favourite pair of shoes and plonked them on, after getting your phone and keys.

"Alright let's go." He said.

You both raced each other down the stairs, which would never end well but for some reason this time it did. You unlocked your car since Gerard didn't have enough petrol at the moment to go very far. Gerard gave you the address of his friends' house and you tried to visualise where it was. You kind of had a roundabout idea. He found the aux chord before you could when you both hopped in and played some David Bowie, then blink-182 and after that, fall out boy.

He has really good music taste. You thought to yourself.

The location was getting closer and closer, but you couldn't remember which way to turn at the lights.

"Left." Gerard spoke, as if he could read your mind. Well, your expression of stress on your face basically displayed your confusion anyway.

"Thanks." as you turned to the left. You immediately saw the house, number '20' and pulled up outside.
There was a black van, and a blue car outside.

"Ah Frank isn't here yet I guess." Gerard spoke, opening the door.

Frank? How many friends are there going to be? This is getting nerve-racking.

Mcr One Shots //  Ray Mikey Frank GerardWhere stories live. Discover now