Friend's Friend - Frank Iero

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Your good friend Mikey Way had invited you round to his place, but since then, apparently his friend had temporarily moved in with him whilst he looked for a new flat. Mikey had never mentioned this friend until today, the day you were going to his house.

On the phone:

"His name's Frank." Mikey said over the phone to you. "He may seem intimidating at first, but he is a real sweetheart." He laughed.

"Intimidating how?" You replied, curious.

"Well he has piercings and dark hair." Mikey told you.

"So do people I hang out with?!?" You replied, slightly agitated.

"True, I guess he's the kinda guy you usually fall for (y/n). You know,, like your type or something like that."

"Mhm, yeh okay, this isn't a set up or something right?" You questioned.

"Wellll, if it was a set up, it wouldn't be on purpose, you know?" Mikey spoke.

"What on earth are you on about?" You asked confused.

"See ya at 7:30 then!" Mikey quickly said and then the line cut off.

"Great." You said to yourself. "I don't need anyone in my life right now, I'm fine being by myself, well except you of-course Benny." You giggled, talking to your dog.

Time sped by, it felt almost as if minutes had gone when it was actually 5 hours.
"Oh wow, it's already 7:23pm" you said, checking your clock.
It only took you about 5 minutes to drive to Mikey's house, and this gave you an extra minute or two to grab your stuff. You got your bag with all your stuff in it, your phone and you and Mikey's favourite drink. Hopefully this guy I've never met called Frank likes it. Does Mikey really intend to set us up?!? I just have lost faith in dating anyone anymore, it never goes well, probably my fault, but not intentionally.

You sighed and went to your car to drive to Mikey's. You passed your ex's house like you always did on the way to his. You saw them outside their house with their new partner, looking very happy.
"Well I'm glad for 'em anyway." You told yourself, still feeling the pain from when they said they didn't want to be with you anymore.
"It's okay, maybe this Frank guy will be okay. He certainly sounds cool anyway.

Once you had pulled up into Mikey's driveway, you saw a dark haired man in the window, quickly closing the blinds when he saw you.

"He seems shy." You chuckled when Mikey began to approach you as you got out of the car.

"Yeah, he thinks you're a really beautiful person. Reason for why he's being timid right now, he'll be himself when he gets to know you though." Mikey explained, helping you take your bags in.

"Wait how has he seen what I look like already? Also thank you for taking my stuff Mikey."

"I perhaps showed him some cool videos of us at the theme park last year." Mikey said, leading you into his home. "He wanted to know what you were like before you arrived."

"More like who you were setting him up with." You mumbled. "Does he even know about that?" You asked Mikey.

"Well, yes. He was talking to me about how nobody was going to go out with him and how he was scared to ask anyone, so I just told him I knew the perfect person for him and here you are!" Mikey said, proud of himself.

"Perfect's an overstatement bro." You giggled.

"H-hi." Another voiced poked through the hallway you were now in. Following this voice, emerged a nervous-looking Frank.

Mcr One Shots //  Ray Mikey Frank GerardWhere stories live. Discover now