Fed Up for a surprise - Ray Toro

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Tour was nearly over and your relationship with Ray felt that way too. 5 weeks of non-stop shows and all you could do was be there on the side of the stage for him. You did love him, but lately he'd been losing interest with you. It was quite a shock to the system once he began going to bed without you on tour. Ray was never usually like that, he'd make sure to kiss your forehead and tuck you in before he snuggled up to you. It was different now. Most nights you just bunked on the sofa or a spare bunk because of how awful you felt.

On the night of the last gig Gerard approached you backstage with a slightly concerned look on his face.

"You know what's up with Ray?" He said, stopping just before you, messing with his knuckles with nervousness.
"You two seem pretty uh.."

"Distant." You finished for him.

"Yeah, do y-dyou know why?" He said.

"No, honestly I've just felt so... rejected. I mean on past tours he's always smiled at me from the stage and cuddled me to sleep and had fun with me but now he will barely even look at me." You sighed, feeling a tear roll down you left cheek.

Gerard took you into a warm embrace and held you there saying "it's okay (y/n), you will always be his sunshine, he might just be going through a rough patch none of us know about."

"Okay." You mumbled into his arms.

"Gotta go, soundcheck." Gerard said, letting go and flashing a smile before he disappeared.

"(Y/n)..." you heard a voice behind you.
"Are you okay?" He repeated. It was Ray.

You slowly turned around, embarrassed because your face was red from crying.

"Not really." You blatantly spoke.

"Ok." He said, nervously and walked off to soundcheck, you could see hin fiddling with something and he put it in his pocket swiftly as he left.

Okay but what the hell is going on?
He just.. that's the first time he's asked you that in a week. I guess I'll talk with him after the show.

You decided to just go and chill on the bus instead of staying by the stage side. Guilt rose inside of you since you knew the last show was always the best, but Ray had just dampened your mood. Why wouldn't he ask why I wasn't okay?

An hour had passed, meaning the opening act had just gone on. You heard a ping from your phone across the hallway on the bus. You went to check it.
It was from Ray and said:
"I love you baby, please come and watch tonight it's important."
Haah no, not after what just happened. You threw your phone onto the sofa.
"Whyyyyyyyy???" You yelled to no one.
You were on the verge of tears as you slumped back onto Ray's bunk. You noticed a little piece of paper sticking out from under the pillow. Pulling it out, you read the words; "I will."
Curious, you turned over the paper to see small scribbled notes on words and idea for how to propose. Why is this under his pillow? Then it hit you. Was Ray going to propose to you? Is that why he's been distant and distracted, because he's usually like that when something big happens, and this is their biggest tour so he's bound to be nervous.
"Oh god oh god oh god." You scrambled for your phone and left the bus, forgetting to lock it, luckily the guitar tech was retreating back to it to grab a drink.
"You oka-" she asked, but you were too busy running to the side of the stage to answer her.
Emotions bubbled up to the surface from you mind. The guilt you'd felt when Ray was ignoring you all led up to now. This big, confusing moment. One to remember.
Another thought collided into your track before you reached the side stage's door.
Am I being over-dramatic? Was it just lyrics? Did I even read it properly? Was it even Ray's bunk?
It was too late to turn back once you heard the famous riff to 'I'm not okay' playing.
Ray always played you this when you were not okay. He liked to see you sing and pull funny dramatic faces.
You looked down at your phone. A photo of you and Ray at Disney land lit up the pixels. Good times.
Before you could put it in your pocket, a hand grabbed your wrist and you were pulled through the door and to the side stage. You didn't seem to stop there however, it kind of seemed that you were being brought onto the actual stage itself. This hadn't ever happened to you before.
You stood there, stunned. Eyes as wide as a deer in headlights. The audience stood there too, almost as silent as you, but a few cheers erupted here and there.
"I thought you weren't coming." A voice emerged from behind you.
"When I asked if you were okay earlier, I knew you weren't and I haven't been recently either. I guess I shut people off when I am sad. But I have something for you. Turn around my sweet darling." Ray spoke again.
You did as he said and turned to face him.
"Ray..." you began, looking at him on one knee, with his guitar across his back. Ray never did that in fear of it breaking so this was a phenomenal moment.
"(Y/n)(l/n), would you like to be known as (y/n) Toro?" He beamed. You'd missed that grin, that heartwarming happiness. A flow of glee scattered across you as you nodded and agreed whilst crying. The crowd erupted with cheers and squeals, a fan even managed to throw a rose onto the stage. Ray picked it up and nodded to the fan, handing it to you. He scooped you up into his arms and kissed you lovingly.
Mikey was clapping, frank was laughing with joy and Gerard was smiling. I still don't think he knew this was going to happen.
"I love you. I am so sorry about how I've been." Ray concluded the proposal.
"I love you too. It's okay, we can talk about how we have been later." You smiled, hugging him tighter.

Mcr One Shots //  Ray Mikey Frank GerardWhere stories live. Discover now