Feeling Helpless - Gerard Way

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[Warning: This chapter talks about guns & shooting and suicide]
Gerard was my best friend, along with his bandmates, Mikey, Frank and Ray. I felt at home whenever I hung around them. The only thing was I moved back to the Uk, so I rarely saw them anymore. I was hoping to move to the US again soon.


Your friend group are nearby to your area because they're touring the UK. You planned to meet them at a local pub/restaurant nearby to catch up and even drop the surprise that you're probably moving back!
You drove 15 minutes to the place you were all meeting at and went to the table you had booked for, for 5. This place was everyone's favourite place to eat. All your neighbours came here, in-fact one if them was at another table. They waved and you returned it.

You hadn't seen your friends for nearly half a year, that was the longest in a while. You had all done face times and phone-calls and non stop gaming together from remote, however nothing beats meeting in real life. Your face lit up as you instantly recognised the bouncy hair of Ray striding through, followed by Mikey, Frank and Gerard. They were all looking tired, they were to play their final show tomorrow night of their 15 date tour. Of course it would exhaust them, but they insisted on this meet-up. One by one, they hugged you and grinned, you noticed Gerard was extremely happy to see you again. He bagsied the seat next to you.
For half an hour you were all chatting about your lives and what's been happening and how the tour's going. You all ordered, Gerard almost copied your full order, the only difference was he ordered lemonade because apparently cherry-ade just isn't it.
Gerard was continually talking to you about Batman and Superman and Thor and Loki and so many comic things, you were both nerds and that's what showed your special bond.

You were just about to all start your meal when you heard a gunshot come from outside.
"What the hell?" Said Frank.
"Get down!!" Shouted the waiter. Everyone obeyed.
What on earth is going on. Gerard put his arm over you. Huddling under the table was safe, but you felt even worse. Why is an attack happening here?
"This must be a robbery." Mikey whispered.

"This restaurant is rich, there must be a lot of cash in here." Ray whispered.

The gunman whipped his head around and said "hell yeah dude, there's tons."
Frank dug his elbow into Ray, signalling him to be quiet. "Ow."

The manager came down the stairs behind our table and said "what's the racket?".

"DONT MOVE OR I'LL SHOOT." The gunman said.
"Hey, this doesn't need to happen, put down the gun please." The manager said.

The gunman pointed the gun at him, and he ducked immediately, almost getting shot.

"Oi, I've got all the dosh, let's get outta here." Another robber said to the gunman.

And they left.

You were shaking. Gerard's grip had tightened throughout the whole time, but he didn't realise. You could barely breathe. He apologised and pulled you into a long warm hug.

The police arrived and the manager informed them of what happened. Most of them went off to chase the van they arrived in, however two stayed to investigate everyone. They started asking the people closest to the cashier and door, then they moved on to asking us.
You hadn't been asked yet. You couldn't talk, you were too terrified. Did that just happen? You just stayed where you were, in the corner of the pub hugging your knees, rocking slightly back and forth. The neighbours offered to buy a drink for you, but you just shook your head and thanked them for the offer. You just wanted to try and forget it and clear your mind.
  Frank was leaning against the wall, feeling stressed and Gerard shuffled over to you and sat cross-legged.
"That was horrible wasn't it (y/n)..." he spoke, softly.
"Mhm." You replied, tears pricked your eyes. They were probably wondering why this was so traumatising for you. Only Gerard knew why. Your mother had taken her own life with a gun when you were about 11, her life was falling apart; your dad had left and she'd been made redundant. She felt terrible for you, but she just couldn't deal with it all.
Looking at guns made you remember the night your auntie got the call about what happened and told you. That scar was never going to heal, not if things kept triggering memories.

Gerard had always tried to keep your mind off it when guns cane about in life, like in films, he'd always squeeze you into a hug or just talk over the situation to distract you. He was the best. This time it was unavoidable, but he tried to comfort you.

"(Y/n) it's okay now, we can go back to your place, I'll make you a hot drink and I won't leave until you feel safe." Gerard said coming closer to you and picking up your trembling hands.

"Please do." You said, sniffing away the tears and snot that had built up slowly.

"I look a mess." You said, feeling ashamed.

"It's okay, I'll take care of you." Gerard told you. He went over to the others and explained what he was doing. They all drove home except Gerard. He took your hand and helped you up. He couldn't drive your car because he wasn't insured, so you drove home when you felt a bit better. Once you were inside, he made you a cup of warm tea and brought a blanket and a teddy downstairs. He passed you your tea and tucked you up on the sofa.

"How bout we watch a comedy film or something nice?" Gerard suggested.
"Okay, can we watch the office?" You asked.
"All up to you dear." He answered, joining you on the couch and pulling you into a safe hug. You both stayed there for hours, laughing at the office and how annoying Dwight can be with Jim.

"Who's your favourite?" He asked you.
"Mmmm probably Creed or Meredith, they're just both so mad it's funny." You said.
"Me too, although Kevin is ma man." Gerard said, smiling down at you.
"Wassup?" He asked, noticing you were tearing up again.
"Gerard, you mean so much to me..." you said.
"I love you." Gerard replied. "More than in a friend way."
"Me too." You replied. He kissed your nose softly and you both fell asleep on the couch.

Mcr One Shots //  Ray Mikey Frank GerardWhere stories live. Discover now