Sleepwalking - Frank Iero

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 "Frank, I'm gonna beat you at this!" You laughed, swerving your Mario Kart car quickly round all of the bends.

"(y/n), you're only beating me because I'm still exhausted from the concert we both went to last night." He said, and with that he yawned.

"Oh, okay, maybe we should stop, I can just put on some show on tv or something if you still wanna stay.." You began.

"I might head home, I am so tired and I'd rather get some sleep and come and see you when I'm in a brighter mood tomorrow." He made an attempt at smiling, but he ended up yawning again. Then, he just sat there with a pout, looking super sleepy, in fact he even almost drifted off.

"Frank?" You asked, sitting next to him and gently shaking him to wake him up.

"I'm just thinking about how I locked my keys in the car and my only spares are at home." He, laughed, sleepily.

"Did you really?" You laughed. "Just like you Frank."

"I'm serious, I may not seem it. Any who, I can walk home, I have my house key." Frank rubbed his eyes.

"No, don't walk home, you can stay here." You would drive him home, but someone crashed into your last car while it was parked on a side- road. You were in the process of buying a new one.

"Or I can order you a taxi Frank." you suggested.

"Nah, i'll stay riiiiight where it's warm and cosy." He mumbled, falling asleep on your shoulder. His arm draped across you in a comforting way. You smiled to yourself. He was always so cute when he did this. 

Later that night, you heard rustling from the kitchen. You looked around and saw a bare space next to you, Frank was up. You guys must've been asleep on the sofa for about 3 hours. 

"You okay there?" You shouted towards where the noise was coming from.

There wasn't a response.

You tried again. But he still didn't reply. You thought of going back to sleep since he was probably just making a drink and couldn't hear, but you knew he was too tired from before to be up at this hour. (4AM) You decided to go and check out what was up. You laid down the blanket you'd managed to pull over the two of you back onto the couch and tied your hair back since it fell out of a loose bun. As you made your way towards the kitchen, you heard footsteps coming closer to you. It was Frank, but he didn't seem with it. 

"Dude, are you good? You seem a bit possessed?" you told him, hoping he was just pranking you.

No response.

You asked a couple more times and even told him an inside joke that ALWAYS got him smirking at the least. But this time his face didn't budge.

"Are you- sleepwalking Frank?" concern grew on your face.

"Right Gerard, this tea you made me is super cold." He spoke out of nowhere. This gave you a little fright as he's been quiet since you found him like this.

Okay he's not speaking in a silly way so he must be sleepwalking. Your other friend sleepwalked from time to time when you slept over. You knew what was best was to not wake them and try and ease them back to bed or if they refuse just make sure they don't hurt them self accidentally.

 You tried to gently lead him to the sofa again, but for some reason he was heading towards the bathroom. He'd stayed over many times at your place, so he must know where everything is enough to sleepwalk like this. He turned the bathroom lights on just as if he was awake. He began to pick up his toothbrush but forgot to put paste on. He then dropped it without brushing his teeth and walked out, not turning the light off or closing the door, back to the sofa. He crashed out and was sleeping again. Well, now he was snoring loudly.

 "Well that was an experience." You smiled, going back to the couch to attempt at sleeping, although you'd been put off it, because sleepwalking Frank was quite scary.

 The next day you had told him everything that happened, he didn't believe you and asked for you to record it if it happens again.

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