The spammer - Gerard Way

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(You're both older teenagers so like 17 or 18 in the year 2021 or around then, whatever you feel like)

"Damnit." You mumbled as your phone froze and switched off.
"I need to charge this thing more often. Always living on 18%."
With this in mind, you walked over to your charger and plugged in your phone, switching the switch on the wall on.
"At least my parents' electricity bill isn't too much." You mumbled.
Or is it..... you doubted.
Hunger hit you like an unsuspected sneeze. You hadn't eaten breakfast yet and it was going on 11:45am.
"Damnnn stop rumbling." You said, patting your tum in pity for it.
"I will feed thy highness." You chuckled.
After having eggy bread, you heard what seemed like a gazillion messages coming through onto your phone.
"Great, Bet it's Gerard again." You laughed.
As you picked up your mobile, you could see it was him, and like 2 emails from some random companies you accident subscribed to.
The notifications read 57 new messages.
"Gee..." you began, before opening Whatsapp to see what this lad was on about.
Your online friendship started 3 years ago and everyday this boy sent you happy messages and you both played games online constantly.
It always felt like he was right there next to you, well, he did live in the state next to you, but money was tight and travelling was hard when your parents only had 1 car.

"Texting your boyfriend again are we?" A smug faced brat of a sister said, as she walled in, holding the dog in her arms.

"Hey, put Max down, you know he doesn't like that.
And NO, like I say EVERY time, he is not my boyfriend." You replied, agitated.

"Ahah, okay." She said, striding off, proud.

You'd never met Gerard, but you felt so connected with him. Today you'd received a lot more notifications from him than usual. You wondered what was up so you went back to your phone to read the messages.
This is the last portion of what you saw:

This is the last portion of what you saw:

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Before that was just loads of memes.

"God, what's he on about?" You made a puzzled face and replied to him.

 You haven't facetimed much, and when you have it's usually been planned

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You haven't facetimed much, and when you have it's usually been planned. Unexpected things like this barely went well with you, but you could manage. It was also awkward because your parents didn't know about Gerard, and your sister found out because she was a nosy little toe. The chances of her leaking the fact you talk to a boy you have never met is quite high, so if you ever get on her properly bad side, you will be in for it.
You ran outside into the garden, under the tall oak tree and behind the shed, the only quiet place to FaceTime. It was your little secret hideout, where you went when you wanted to be alone. The lighting wasn't the best, probably a good thing, but it was enough to make you visible.

You realised you hadn't gotten back to Gerard, and your phone was buzzing away, so you sat on the concrete slabs behind the shed and accepted the call.

"Hey." He smiled nervously, through his phone to yours.
"Uh... hi." You mumbled, quite embarrassed.
"We're both so embarrassed lol, but we talk every day so we should be okay." He smiled, almost as if he was talking to himself.
"Huh?" You were confused.
"Basically...." He began, trailing off, seeming distracted by something going in at home.
He awkwardly left the room he was in and mirrored you by going into his garden to sit under a tree.
"I'm running away." He beamed.
"Dude, but you're Happy where you are?" You replied.
"I always pretended I was, not just to you, but to myself too, but I'm 18 now and I can choose the path in life I wanna." He explained.
"What about Mikey?" You questioned him.
"Mikey wants to stay until he's 18, then he can come to where I am going if he wants, or whatever is going to happen." Gerard said, looking nervous again.

"Anyway, where are you going to go then?" You asked, curious.

"Where you are." He stated, blushing.
"I wanna meet you, even if I don't stay, I just want to know you properly." He beamed, with a hint of doubt in his smile.

"That's- great, but do you have the money, how will you get here?" You asked, genuinely.

"I have been working weekends recently and I have just completed my studies, well to what I think is best anyway and I found a coach that will bring me to your town in a few days, but (y/n), I will only do this if you are okay with it and you won't feel creeped out." Gerard said, overwhelming you a bit.
This was exciting, you were finally going to meet him, but would it ruin the fun spark you always had, because the internet was a mask, it was fun and easier to communicate that real life. Is he even fun in real life? He probably is but it will still be kind of different.

You nodded and followed that with an "It's absolutely fine Gerard, you can even come here if you don't have anywhere to go for a bit, but I will have to tell my parents you're in my lectures." You explained, feeling happy on the inside and showing it on the outside.

"That's so... so... AWESOME!!" Gerard yelled, punching the air, dropping his phone in the process. All you could see were a few tufts of grass and knuckles occasionally punching the blue sky that was dotted with white fluffy clouds.

"THIS IS GONNA BE SO COOL." Gerard yelled down the phone, before it cut off.

He was the same as you were with charging phones, he always left conversations at the most random times because he forgot to charge it. You were both so alike and it was amazing, you couldn't wait to meet him.

From author:
Okay so this is actually really cool & I might make a part 2 or even a whole new book about this bc this concept is fit asf. ✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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