Chapter 17

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After the event, we all headed back to the hotel. We all sat in Matt and Shawn's room. I brought all the candy I had received from the fans that day with me. Before I ate each bag, I followed the Twitter username written down just like Jack had always told me to do. I sat in on Matt's bed, in his lap while he sat criss-cross with his arms wrapped around me. It was really comforting. We all just ate candy and played on our phones and occasionally some of the boys would start yelling or go out to the balcony and yell down to the fans waiting outside the hotel.

As we all sat there, Nash suddenly spoke up. "So, are you guys like, a couple?" he said, looking over at Matt and I. I gave him a confused look as everyone looked over at us. Taylor quickly snapped a picture before either of us could react. Everyone started yelling at once. I got out of Matt's lap and yelled.

"Everyone chill! We're just friends okay!" I said as everyone quickly silenced. "It's not that big a deal," I muttered as I sat on the floor next to Sammy and Aaron. Not wanting to see everyone's reactions, I looked back at my phone and opened Twitter. My notifications were going CRAZY.

"@taylorcaniff: #madthew all the way" and with Taylor's tweet was the picture of Matt and I. I rolled my eyes before sending out a tweet. "@madisongilinsky: @taylorcaniff that picture is cute and all, but you and I both know Matt and I are just friends." I hit send and Taylor let out a laugh. I exited Twitter and locked my phone.

I leaned against Sammy, looking at his laptop over his shoulder. I leaned across him and moved the mouse to photobooth, opening it up. We took some pictures before gradually everyone realized what we were doing and made their way over, trying to get in our selfies. I laughed and emailed one of all of us to my phone. I opened instagram and posted it with the caption,"excited to be on tour again with these goofballs." I tagged everyone and posted it. All the fans in the comments were freaking out. I smiled at all of the comments, ignoring the negative ones.

"We should get to bed, we have a flight tomorrow," Jack said and everyone groaned. I put my arms up, and Jack picked me up, bringing me to my room. He dropped me on the bed after Hayes swiped the key card. "Goodnight, love you," he said.

"Love you," I muttered before Hayes said, "bye, Jack. Love you!" in a high pitched sarcastic voice. I rolled my eyed and Jack left.

Hayes climbed into bed and faced the wall. I quickly ran into the bathroom  and changed into sweatpants. I climbed into bed, but left the bedside lamp on.

About five minutes later Nash and Cam popped their heads in the door. "Remember kids, you should always use protection and don't be too loud, we're right next door," Nash said and he and Cam laughed.

"Shut the hell up, Nash," Hayes said, throwing a pillow at him without even turning around. Nash and Cam ran out of the room and I could still hear them laughing in the room next to us. I rolled my eyes and played on my phone for a while.

I always check social media before I sleep, and lastly I went on Twitter. I almost had a mini heart attack when I saw what was trending. The number one world wide trending hashtag, #madthew. I sighed and though  of how I was going to jail  Taylor tomorrow. "You okay?" Hayes asked. I forgot he was here.

"Um, yeah, just that stupid hashtag Taylor made is world wide trending," I said, and cringed at the thought. I did love Matt, just I couldn't imagine dating him. He's my best friend.

Hayes was silent, but it was really  awkward. I shrugged it off and closed my eyes, falling asleep.

I woke up and Hayes was gone, but Mahogany texted me saying to meet her in her room when I'm ready to go to breakfast. I decided I would shower at the next hotel and just threw on a t-shirt from my cheer gym and some big grey Hollister sweatpants. I put on some ugg slippers. Even though it was summer, they basically blasted the AC in this place and besides, wearing flip flops with my sweatpants would look weird. I threw my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my phone and headphones then headed to Mahogany's room. I passed Carter in the hall. "You look nice," Carter laughed. I rolled my eyes and slapped him in the arm. I knocked on Mahogany' s room and she opened it with a smile. She pulled me inside and Jacob must've already gone down to breakfast.

"Jacob and I kissed last night," was the first thing that came out of her mouth when the door closed. I gasped and squealed with excitement.

"Oh my God this is amazing! Give me details!" I yelled, but Mahogany quickly put her finger over her mouth, implying for me to quiet down. She must not want anyone else  knowing.

"Well we came back last night and just......I don't know exactly," she said as a grin slowly made its way onto her face. I smiled with her.

"Well either way I'm happy for you, you guys are my otp," I said and we made our way down to breakfast. The boys were mostly finished with their food. Mahogany and I sat down and quickly ate our food.

"Alright, the bus to take us to the airport will be here in an hour. Let's all get packed," Cam said and everyone headed upstairs. I walked to my room with Hayes and his clothes were everywhere. I sighed and got all my stuff packed.

"Need some help?" I asked Hayes and he nodded his head. I picked up lots of his clothes on the floor and turned it so it was no longer  inside out. I folded all of his clothes and put them on his bed. He could do his underwear, no way was I touching that. I shivered at the thought.

The bus would be here in ten minutes. I grabbed my bags and made my way into the hallway. I mentally went down my checklist to make sure I had everything. When I was confident everything was packed, I made my way to the lobby and Taylor helped me put my stuff on the bus. Finally everyone came down, and we all checked out of the hotel and got on the bus. I sat next to Nash and Matt. I leaned against Matt and accidentally fell asleep.

When I woke up Nash was carrying me through the airport. I smiled at his kindness. "Good morning, sleepy head," he said, setting me down as we approached the security checkpoint. I gained my balance and pulled out my phone. I had a text from Emmiry.

"What's this about you and Matt?;)" I rolled my eyes and laughed. Nash looked over at me and down at my phone screen.

"Oh my God, isn't Matt just like, so hot?!" Nash mimicked and I hit him hard in the arm. He grabbed his arm in pain before I said,"Shut up, you know Matt is my best friend. She was just talking about Taylor's tweet." I looked back down at my phone and started typing. Not even paying attention, I looked  up and realized we were  boarding the plane.

We got our seats on the plane and I was placed between a fan who was absolutely freaking out, and Sammy. I put my headphones in and hit shuffle on my playlist as we took off. I leaned against Sammy and slowly fell asleep.
it's 2 am right now, oops. It's February vacation so I'll try to write more. I've  been trapped inside all week with no school because of snow  and now its a week of vacation where I just stay inside! Fun! Thanks for 7K reads x

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