Chapter 15

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I woke up in Hayes' bed. What? Confused, I sat up. I could hear the shower running, which meant Hayes was definitely in there. I smiled remembering how I fell asleep next to Hayes last night. God I love him. I reached to the bedside table and grabbed my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram when I heard a bunch of the boys coming down the hall, and could hear my brother. If he saw me laying on Hayes' bed he'd get suspicious. I quickly jumped to my bed as they opened the door. "Hey, knock!" I said. They are a bunch of guys, and I'm a girl, there are numerous awkward opportunities.
"Whatever. Anyways, you ready for today?" Jack asked, sitting on my bed and spreading himself across it. Johnson and Sammy did the same, and the other boys sat on Hayes' bed.
"Does it look like I'm ready? Hayes is taking too long in the shower," I said. My hair was a mess and I was still in yesterday's clothes.
"I got this," Nash said, heading towards the bathroom. We all watched him as he suddenly pounded his fist on the door, and Hayes yelled from inside. "Hayes hurry! Maddie needs to get in there!" Nash yelled through the door. Hayes walked out wearing a tank top and some khaki shorts. It seems like all the boys where are khakis, which is mostly true actually.
"Thanks," I said, and got into the bathroom. I took my shower and wrapped a towel around myself. Then I realized I forgot my clothes. "GUYS!" I yelled. They all were waiting.
"WHAT'S WRONG?" Taylor yelled back. I panicked. I'm not going out there in a towel with all those boys in there.
"I forgot my clothes, you guys have to leave!" I said, just barely a yell, and they all burst out laughing. "It's not funny!" I said. Whatever, they wouldn't leave, it's their fault if they see something. I held my towel tightly around my body, and rushed out of the bathroom. I could feel all of the boys staring at me in most of them holding in their laughs as I grabbed clothes out of my dresser.
"Way to keep that body in shape, Maddie," Sammy said, letting out his laughter. I rushed back towards the bathroom, and before I could get in, Jack began yelling at Sammy.
"That's my sister, bro!" He yelled, hitting Sammy on the back of the head. Sammy hit him back and they started fighting, as usual.
"Okay, sorry! It was a joke!" Sammy said, and everyone except for me and Jack were laughing at their stupid fighting. I quickly went back into the bathroom and blow dried my hair, then curled it. I had grabbed my white shorts and a gold, pink, and black Aztec crop top , along with my black vans. I came out and Jack looked me up and down, deciding whether he approved or disapproved on my outfit.
"No," he said, looking back at his phone. I let out an angry sigh and rolled my eyes. I was wearing it anyways.
"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. He gave me that 'why do you think?' look. I rolled my eyes again.
"It shows your stomach, and we'll be out in public. Which is a no," he said. Johnson looked at Jack, then looked back at me. It wasn't that big a deal.
"Nah, it's fine. Most of our fans are girls, anyways, probably dressed even worse. Let's just go," Johnson said with a shrug. He could be a little protective at times, but he helped when it came down to it. I smiled and grabbed my phone, charger, headphones, sunglasses, and my backpack before we all headed out the door and into the lobby.

Kind of short chapter, but next is the actual event and it's going to be super long, trust me. I feel like I haven't updated in forever, I've been busy with school. Thank you so much for over 3K reads! xoxo

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