Chapter 13

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Today was finally the day, we were starting the tour. The first event would be in California, but it was up north so we had to take a plane. It was either a plane, or a 15 hour car ride with about 7 boys crammed in the car with me, being as stupid as can be. When we ride in the car the boys always wave to the other boys in their car when we pass, even if they live together. I packed my bags for 2 weeks worth, then we would come home for half a week, then be on tour again. Tour was always exciting. Everyone was together, happy, and there was no drama. They all just had fun. I missed it so much.

The past week had basically just been either meetings, or sitting inside and watching movies. Occasionally we would go swimming in the pool in the backyard, but I didn't swim a whole lot. Being in a pool with 13 boys (Sammy and Dillon are here, too,) means a whole lot of yelling, punching, and splashing. I'm not a big fan of any of that, except for when I'm in my real crazy mood. Usually, though, when I'm swimming, I'm not like that. Anyways, this tour was going to make my summer one of the best.

"Maddie!" Jack called from downstairs. "Come on! We have to go!" I quickly grabbed my sunglasses and headphones. I took one last look around my room, checking to make sure I would have everything I would need for the next two weeks. All my chargers, bathing suits, make up, electronics, anything, you name it, it's probably already packed up. Except for my candy bar. I quickly grabbed it off my table and ran downstairs, taking a bite. All of my bags were already in the car, except for my carry on, which I had in my hands.

"Well, look who stopped calling my Madison," I said, ruffling Jack's hair. He quickly fixed it, before Cam did a quick head count. We all headed to the cars and for the airport. When we finally got there, there were a huge amount of fans. I sighed, stepping out of the car and putting on a smile. As we tried to get inside, the crowd just seemed to get bigger. One of the boys must've tweeted where we were going, and that usually doesn't end well. Especially in a big place like Los Angeles.

I kept my head down, trying to make sure I wouldn't get trampled by all these fangirls. When I looked up, Jack wasn't in front of me anymore. When I began to look around, I realized no one was. I started freaking out. They must've gotten inside without me, probably boarding the plane any minute now. I looked up to Matthew rushing out of the airport entrance, and he shouted something. I couldn't hear, from all the girls yelling so close to me. Finally he spotted me, and rushed through the crowd of people until he grabbed my hand. He pushed back through the crowd of girls and waved and smiled to all of them one last time, before we entered the airport.

When we got inside, Matt didn't say a word, just started running to where I'm guessing the boarding for our plane is. I quickly looked down at my phone, it was 12:19. Matt and I were going to have to run even quicker if we wanted to make it onto our flight. We finally got there, and went through security as quick as we could. When we were boarding the plane, it was 12:29. Just on time.

Since we were the last to board the plane, the only seats left from our group were right next to Johnson. I took the middle seat, since he already had the window seat. Matt sat on the isle seat. This wouldn't be too bad. I was close with both Johnson and Matt, so nothing would be awkward.

I plugged my headphones into my phone before I was stopped by a flight attendant. "Please turn your electronic off, miss, until after we takeoff," she said with a big smile. A bit too big if you ask me.

"Oh, sorry," I said, quickly turning off my phone. As soon as she walked away we all burst out laughing. "She called me 'miss,'" I said, still laughing.

"She said 'electronic,'" Matt laughed. A couple of minutes after, she came back. Johnson was snapchatting.

"On the plane, ah!" He said, and turned the camera towards Matthew and I. Then the flight attendant was in the shot.

"Please turn off all electronics, sir," she said, clearly ticked off now. Johnson made an ugly face, ending the video. He quickly put it on his story, then turned off his phone. We all laughed again, and Nash turned around.

"What's so funny, huh?" He asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"This stupid flight attendant," I whispered so she wouldn't hear. We all glanced at her and laughed again.

"Alright," Nash said, still laughing a bit, and turned back around. I smiled a bit and looked over Johnson, out the window. Johnson was searching through his bag, then I realized what he was looking for. He brought out two sticks of gum. He handed one to me and stuck one in his mouth.

"I almost forgot. Thanks," I said, sticking the gum in my mouth. Matt watched us the whole time, letting out small laughs. "What?" I asked.

"What do you mean you almost forgot? Gum?" He asked, still laughing at me.

"Don't laugh at me, I need it so my ears don't pop!" I said, playfully shoving him. He laughed a bit and did that adorable thing when he kind of glances away, still laughing. Wait, did I just call Matt adorable? I mean, he's my best friend. It's okay.

"You good, Maddie?" Johnson asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I laid back in my seat as we finally took off, nodding my head.
WOWOWOWOWOOW OVER 2K READS! Thank you guys so much, it honestly means a lot! Now that the tour has started, things will be more interesting, I promise. Love you xx

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