Chapter 9

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After everyone piled down their breakfast, we all got ready to go to the beach.
I went into my bedroom and grabbed my leopard print bikini with aqua straps out of my drawer and quickly get changed.
I go into my bathroom and brush out my hair of any knots that had formed within the two hours since I had brushed it, since my hair is annoying like that. I grab a towel out of my bathroom closet and walk back into my room. I pull out some black flip flops and slip them on my feet after putting my shorts back on and a crop top that said 'lol ur not luke hemmings' over my bathing suit. I grabbed my headphones, phone, my bag, and my sunglasses and headed downstairs.
I sat down on a chair in front of the small island and waited for all of the boys to get ready, Mahogany was already ready talking with me, until Taylor came down and all of the boys came after him shortly after him. They were all yelling about something, like always. "ADMIT IT HAYES!" Nash yelled, holding Hayes' phone above his head, out of Hayes' reach.
"NO!" Hayes yelled back, trying to stretch himself high enough to snatch his phone out of Nash's hand.
"Come one, Hayes, we all know you do!" Carter teased, and all of the boys agreed with him.
"Fine! I do, BUT DONT TELL ANYONE OKAY!" Hayes yelled, and Mahogany and I just sat there more confused than ever.
"Okay......anyways.....LETS GO!" I yelled.
All the boys cheered, laughed and screamed as we headed out the door and got in the two cars. Nash, Hayes, Jack, Johnson, Mahogany, and Taylor were in my car while Cam was driving, everyone else was in the other car. Jack called shotgun leaving Taylor, Johnson and Hayes in the middle, I sat in the back next to Mahogany and Nash, stuck in the middle since I'm the smallest, as always. I put my headphones in, and put my sunglasses on, blocking out everyone. The whole ride I just stared out the window over Nash, enjoying the ride.
When we finally got to the beach, my legs were asleep and Taylor had to help me get up and out of the car without falling on my face. "WE'RE HERE!!!!!" I yelled, getting a couple stares from people. I didn't really care, I was excited to be somewhere other than my house.

I'm writing off my phone so bold doesn't work which is REALLY annoying. ANYWAYS. MAKING LONG CHAPTERS IS KINDA HARD BECAUSE IM USED TO INSTAGRAM AND PEOPLE ARE LIKE "it's too long to read, make more parts with each update shorter," so yeah. I'll try to update more in the week or whatever but yeah ok bye

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