Chapter 3

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I threw on a sweatshirt from my cheer competition, and put on some flip flops. I headed out the door again with my sunglasses, even if it was dark out. The boys were wearing them, too, to not be noticed as easily.
When i got the the fair, we were instantly recognized and the crowd slowly got bigger. There was some security there, though, who let us still do stuff without getting mobbed by fans. The boys were all playing some basketball game, and Mahogany was recording. Hayes wasn't playing though, so I went over to him.
"Want to go say hi to some fans?" He asked, still focused on the boys.
Hayes and I headed over to the big mob of fans, taking pictures, signing things, taking some of the gifts and some even gave me their Twitter and watched me follow them, immediately freaking out.
While I was signing a poster, a fan had said, "You know, I think you and Hayes would be a cute couple." Some of the people around me agreed with her and were telling me that I should go out with him. I looked over to Hayes, smiling as he met all of his fans. I smiled at the thought, but quickly dismissed it.
"Even if I did like Hayes, Jack would never let me," I whispered to the fans while they all giggled. "We've got to get going, it was so nice meeting you guys!" I yelled, slowly walking away, backwards, still facing the fans and waving my hand goodbye. Hayes came back over to me and we talked for a bit.
"So what was this about you liking me?" Hayes said with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes. "Some fans were saying we should go out, but I told them I DIDN'T like you anyways," I said laughing a bit, and playfully shoved him.
We walked around the fair for a bit more, playing games and having a good time. Taylor and Nash both won a teddy bear, but Taylor gave me his and Nash gave Mahogany his. It was in a friendly way, of course, and we all laughed.
We were soon back home, and I went upstairs to my room. "Maddie, the boys are going to sleep over. Can Mahogany sleep in your room?" Jack yelled up the stairs. "Of course!" I yelled back, straightening up my bed. Sleepovers with Mahogany were always the best, so this should be a fun night.

Hey guys, I'm writing this on my phone so yeah I'm not used to it. I'll try to update more often, sorry I haven't before! If you haven't already, check out my instagram @magconimaginessx I write imagines! Enjoy!

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