Chapter 6

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Soon we all get out of the car and we all head inside the building. Hayes and I sit down in the waiting room while the rest of the boys go through a door with Mahogany. I glance in and see a long table, which meant real business. No way were Hayes and I going to get in.

We sit across the room from each other, and play on our phones for about 1/2 an hour.

This was so boring, I had to do something. "Hayes, Matt said there was a Starbucks down the street. Wanna go?" I ask. I turn off my phone and put it in my pocket.

"I guess," he says, barely looking up from his phone and he stands up. I stand up, too, and we walk out the door.

As we're walking, we meet a couple of fans and take pictures. Both Hayes and I tweet where we are and decided to make it a contest, whoever got to us first would get their drink paid by us.

We ordered our drinks and two girls run through the door. When they see us, they run right over and start fangirling. Both Hayes and I smile and talk for them for awhile, and then they order and we pay.

We all sit down at a small table and chat for awhile. Hayes and I give them our phones and they enter their usernames on Twitter and we follow them.

Next thing we know we are being escorted by some sort of security and there are screaming fans everywhere. Hayes and I continue to walk down the sidewalk until we see an Aeropostale. Since the boys have their new clothing line there, we decide to go in and surprise some of the fans buying stuff. The security had to stay outside, because there was only a certain amount of people aloud in the store due to safety reasons.

We walk around the store, sign some t shirts, and take photos. After about an hour we go back to the building where the meeting was being held. It was so much fun, even if I didn't get to spend as much time with Hayes as I would've liked.

"Well, I guess that was better than some boring meeting," Hayes says as we both sit down on our phones.

"Yeah, I guess so," I say and all of the boys walk out.

"So how was it," Matt whispers with a smirk as we walk side by side and all of the boys and mahogany are in front of us.

I nudge him playfully and laugh. "It was fine, it wasn't like a real date though. We met fans and stuff in aero then went to Starbucks with like two other fans," I say and look down at my feet.

"It's okay, I still think Hayes likes you. Don't worry Maddie, he'll show it eventually," Matt says and I hug him.

"Thanks Matt," I say, and we are the last ones in the limo.

"No problem," he says and the happiness sounds almost like its drained from his voice, but I ignore it and pay more attention to whatever the boys are fighting about this time.
Hey guys! So my instagram isn't letting me post it just crashes every time I try to post and its only on that account which is sooo weird. I'll try to update more this week!

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