Chapter 10

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After walking down the beach for what felt like hours (with the occasional stop to take a picture with a fan,) we finally found a spot and I laid out my pink Victoria's Secret towel and quickly took off my shorts and crop top.

"Madison!" Jack scolded.

"What?" I asked, looking down at my bathing suit. I didn't see what was so bad about it, it's just a bathing suit. It's not like I'm flashing everyone at the beach.

"That reveals too much," he said, giving me that 'go change' look, except there's no way I could change if we were at the beach.

"Well what do you expect me to do? We can't just go home!" I said, laughing. It'd actually be hilarious if he made me go back home just to change my bathing suit.

"Fine," Jack said, letting out an angry sigh, making almost everyone laugh.

Nash hooked up his phone to the speakers and started playing his 'favorites' playlist.

"I'm going to go get an ice cream from the snack bar, who's going to come with me?" I ask, getting my money out of my wallet.

"I will!" Taylor yells like a little kid.

"I'll go too," Aaron says, not as much like Taylor though. That's just how he is though, he can be the most mature one but also the most kid like 16 year old you would ever meet.

When we get to the snack bar, we , or more like Taylor and Aaron, are swarmed with fans. After all, they are world famous viners and we're in one of the most popular states, California, in the summer.

After the madness is over, we finally have our ice cream and are walking back to the towels, when I hear my hood jam, no interruption by Hoodie Allen.
(AN: Same, Maddie, same.)

"IN YOUR HOME, IN YOUR HOME, ON THE PHONE ON THE PHONE, ALL ALONE, ALL ALONE, ILL GIVE IT TO YOU NO INTERRUPTION," I yelled along as the chorus came on. I was getting a few weird looks from people but didn't mind, after all it is my hood jams.

"Madison, stop," Jack whined.

"What, am I embarrassing you?" I asked with a smirk. He gave me that, 'Madison, don't' look, but I ignored it. "TELL ME WHAT YOU REALLY WANT FROM ME, POINT BLANK DO DISCUSSION, CLOSED MOUTH CLOSED MOUTH, ILL GIVE IT TO YOU NO INTERRUPTION!" I yelled, and Nash even joined in, dancing like a crazy person.

I knew people were taking videos, it was THE Nash Grier dancing and singing like no one was watching on a public beach.

"Maddie, you shouldn't even know this song," Hayes chuckled.

"You're the same age as me!" I said, taking a lick of my ice cream, still dancing.

"Yeah, but I LOOK like I'm older than Nash, so it's ok," he said and everyone laughed.

"I'd pick Nash over you any day, Hayes," I said jokingly, and he rolled his eyes while laughing. God damn he was adorable.

"Let's go down to the water," Shawn said, and we all stood up and headed to the water except for Mahogany and Jacob. Everyone knew they liked each other, so we left them alone. Down at the shoreline, all the boys decided to play football.

"I'm no good, though. Can we just play pickle or something?" I asked, pulling the tennis ball out of the bag of stuff. I turned back around to everyone giving me that 'Really, Madison?' look. "What?" I asked. "I just suck at football," I mumbled.

"I'll play with you," Taylor said. "Football isn't really my sport either. We need more people though," he said, walking over to where I was.

"I'll play," Matt and Hayes said at the same time. I gave them both a confused look, since they love football.

"No, you guys are good at it, plus it's your favorite sport. We'll find some other people to play, don't worry," I said, and before they could realize they were playing football whether they liked it or not, Taylor and I ran up the beach to find more people. When a couple of fans stopped us to get a picture with Taylor, we asks  them to play and they obviously said yes, they just had to wait for their other friend. We showed them where we would be waiting and a couple of minutes later they were walking over here with a boy. I could see Taylor stiffen up immediately out of the corner of my eye. "Chill," I whispered. They were always so protective of me, and I appreciated it, but sometime  it could be annoying.

Pickle was probably my favorite game, just because it was easy. Basically, there are two circle  drawn and a tennis ball, along with a tagger. Everyone has to stay in the circles and when you can, you have  to run back and forth without getting hit with the tennis ball by the tagger. If you do get hit, you're the tagger an  have to throw it at others. It's pretty simple but can sound kind of confusing. The name makes no sense either, the game has nothing to do with pickles.

After playing for about a half an hour, we decided to go eat. We took some pictures with the fans and headed back to the towel where everyone was packing up. "Let's go there to eat!" I yelled, pointing. Everyone agreed and I packed everything up. It was too hot and I was too lazy to put my clothes back on over my bathing suit. I just left everyone else to pack up their stuff, dancing to the music Nash still had playing from his phone. I stop dancing and look at the beach, it was so gorgeous. I turn back around and there are some girls with the boys. I roll my eyes, girls usually try to use the boys to become famous, but it always back fires because if they hurt the boys, almost every teenage girl in existence turns against them.

When we were all packed we headed to the cute little restaurant, after stopping at the car to drop off everybody's stuff. "Madison, put some clothes on," Jack said, giving me a weird look, and all the boys turned and gave me the same look.

"Do I have  to?" I whined. They all nodded their heads except for Hayes, who shook his head no, earning a smack on the back of the head from Nash. I giggled and put my shorts and crop top back on over my bathing suit.
FINALLY ITS WINTER BREAKKKKK. I had two more days of school than everyone I have no clue why, but I did. Anyways I tried to make this chapter longer for yallll so yeah. I'll be posting more probably like a minimum of once every two days because  I'm still kind of busy. and if you're cool and rewarding this CHECK OUT Falling In Love With Matthew Espinosa By @grow2019 because  it's perfect and she's my really good friend so yeahhh. love you xx

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