Chapter 14

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The flight was only about an hour or two long, so it wasn't too bad. I absolutely hate airplane food, so I refused to eat. When we were in the airport, we could probably get Taco Bell or McDonalds or something.
When we landed, we headed right to baggage claim and there were some girls there, but nothing too bad. Jack and Johnson both, like they always do, pull out the snapchat and take pictures with them, putting it on their story. The girls get pictures with everyone else, then respectfully leave us alone after picking up their bags. Nice, respectful fans are the best. Most of their fans are like that, which is perfect.
When we finally get to the hotel, we sit in the hallway and figure out who's rooming with who. "Jack and I, obviously, Nash and Cam, Taylor and Dillon, Aaron and Carter, Jacob and Mahogany, Ma-" Jack said, but I cut him off.
"I thought I was going to be with Mahogany, though," I said, looking over his arm to see the list.
"I don't know, it doesn't matter. Anyways, Hayes and Maddie, Shawn and Matt, and Sammy will stay with me and Jack. Let's go get unpacked!" Jack yelled, and everyone ran to their rooms. At least I was with Hayes, and not someone who I didn't really talk to. I kind of would have rathered Mahogany, but what was I supposed to do about it? Everyone was already unpacking, and Jack would probably - my thoughts were interrupted by Hayes talking. I quickly looked up. "Huh?" I asked, and he let out a small laugh.
"Which bed do you want?" Hayes asked and I just shrugged, sitting on the bed closest to the door. "I guess you'll take that one then," he said and placed his stuff on his bed. I laid back on my bed, tired. The first event was tomorrow, which got me excited. I just couldn't think stop about how I ended up rooming with Hayes. I always roomed with Mahogany. I feel like Jack definitely had something to do with it. I shrugged it off and headed to the bathroom.
After setting up my stuff in the bathroom, I came back into the bedroom to see a shirtless Hayes laying on his bed playing on his phone. "Uh, oh, sorry," he mumbled, sitting up and trying to find his shirt. Honestly, I didn't mind whether he had a shirt or not. I was used to Jack, Jack and Sammy going around shirtless all the time. He did have a nice body, too, for a 14 year old.
"Oh, it's fine, I'm used to it," I said with an awkward laugh. I tried my hardest not to stare, and I don't think he could tell. I just worked on finding an outfit for dinner.
After about a half an hour, I was dressed in some dark blue short shorts and a black shirt that said 'I don't need the internet, the internet needs me.' I straightened my hair and put on my coral vans. We were just going out to eat some Chinese food, so it wouldn't need to be anything too fancy. We all gathered down in the lobby, the boys didn't look to fancy, except for Taylor. He was in a suit. "Taylor, why are you in a suit?" Dillon asked, picking at the material and dropping it back onto Taylor's shoulder.
"I-I thought we were going somewhere fancy," Taylor said while looking around at what everyone else was wearing. "I'll be right back," he mumbled, and took off running up the stairs.
"The better question is, why did he pack a suit?" Nash asked, and we all looked at him like he was stupid. "Wait, we weren't supposed to, were we?" Nash asked, panicked. I hit him on the back of the head. Before I could speak, Cameron interrupted me.
"It's okay, I figured this would happen. I packed an extra," Cameron said smiling, obviously proud of himself. I was about to talk when I was again interrupted, but this time by Taylor. He came running down the stairs in a tye dye shirt and some khakis.
"Okay, sorry. Let's get going, I'm hungry!" Taylor yelled and all the boys cheered, getting into the van we rented.
When we got to the restaurant I sat next to Mahogany and Carter, across from Aaron. "So, you and Hayes, huh?" Carter asked with a smirk and nudged me a little. I panicked, and gave him a confused look. I didn't want to make it obvious that I like him.
"What do you mean? We're just rooming together," I said, and took a sip of my water. He laughed. "What?" I asked. I didn't do anything funny.
"Ah, young Madison, I know your secret. BUT it shall remain a secret," Carter said, putting his arm around the back of my chair. The way he was talking made me laugh.
"Thanks," I said, looking down, still laughing. Then the waiter came and took our order, and we all had a nice dinner.
"To the reunion tour!" Johnson said, raising his glass, and everyone copied, clinking their glasses together and taking a sip of their drink. The night was really fun, but it was soon time to get back to the hotel. We would need a lot of rest for what tomorrow would bring.
When we got back to our room, I walked back and Hayes was already in there with Jack, Johnson, Sammy, Cam, and Nash. I sat on my bed next to Jack. "You guys excited for tomorrow?" I asked, resting my head on Jack's shoulder.
"YOU KNOW IT!" Cam screamed, and Nash high fived him. They all started screaming, and I regretted asking. Next thing I knew Matt had walked in with everyone else behind him.
"Are you guys okay?" He asked, and they all seemed panicked. We gave them a confused look. Matt sat next to me and Aaron on the other side of Matt. The rest of the boys sat on the floor. "We heard you all screaming and got scared," Matt laughed. No one was really paying attention to each other, when Nash yelled over everyone.
"LET'S MAKE A VIDEO!" He yelled, and all of the boys cheered, excited. We arranged ourselves on the two beds and set Nash's camera up so everyone was in frame. "What's up guys, it's Nash, and by now you guys probably already know we are on the reunion tour!" Nash said, and everyone cheered.
"First video of the reunion tour!" Taylor pointed out, a Twinkie filling his mouth making him barely audible.
"Why are you eating? We literally just went to dinner," Matt said, and we all laughed. I stole the box of Twinkies out of Taylor's hands and pulled one out. Hayes put his hands up from across the room, and I threw it to him. I took another out and Matt put his face close to mine. "Wanna give me one?" Matt asked with a cute little smile. I put the Twinkie in his hand, not even turning my head. I pulled out yet another Twinkie, and quickly opened it and took a bite. I threw the box across the room, hitting Johnson in the head. We all burst out laughing while he held the back of his head.
The video ended up basically just being us all screaming the whole time and throwing things at each other. We made a mess, but it was so fun. Eventually all the boys went to their rooms, but Matt laid down next to me in my bed. "You're going to sleep in that?" He laughed and I looked down, realizing I was still in my jean shorts and shirt. I shrugged and closed my eyes. I let out a yawn, and Matt just smiled. I looked into his eyes. They were so gorgeous, I love brown eyes. We sat like that for a while, when Hayes walked in in some shorts and an old shirt, a football, and a couple of kids who I guessed he had just played football with. There was a park right down the street, he must've played with them there.
"Didn't mean to interrupt," Hayes said, and he and his friends let out a little laugh. I rolled my eyes, and Matt stood up and grabbed his phone off of the dresser.
"Um, I'm going to bed. Night Hayes, n-night Maddie," Matt said, rushing himself out of the room.
"So, you and Matt?" Hayes said with a smirk. Great. Now Hayes would think I like Matt even though I like him.
"No, we're just friends," I said heading for the bathroom. I couldn't embarrass myself in front of all these boys in my room. I checked my hair and walked out of the bathroom, and decided to FaceTime Emmery. She answered instantly. Before I could say a word, she squealed loudly, making us all put our hands over our ears. "What's wrong with you?" I asked, looking at her through my phone.
"Okay, Maddie, you know I would never use you for this tour and all these famous boys and whatever, but the reunion tour is trending world wide everywhere. You're on one of the biggest and most exciting tours ever!" She said and let out a small laugh.
"You should come with us these two weeks," I said. Mahogany is great and all, but I could definitely use another girl around here. I sat on my bed, and Hayes and all his new little friends sat on Hayes' bed.
"Is that Emmery?" Hayes asked and I rolled my eyes. Some times I think Hayes likes Emmery, but she would never date Hayes. They're basically siblings.
"Hey Hayes," Emmery said, waving, and all of the boys 'ooo'ed, teasing Hayes. He shoved them and they sat back on the bed. "Look, I gotta go, I'll text you tomorrow. Bye, love youuuuu," she said. I said bye too and hung up, then turned to face Hayes' bed.
"Let's play truth or dare!" One of his "friends" suggested, and they all agreed. Hayes nodded his head.
"You in, Maddie?" Hayes asked, looking at me.
"I don't even know these people. You know my brother would probably kill us both for having them all in here without one of the other boys," I said without looking up, scrolling through twitter. Hayes did that face where he stuck his lip out and his eyes got all big. I couldn't resist. I had to, though. We had tour in the morning. "Hayes, we have to be up at 6 tomorrow and it's already almost 1. I'm going to bed. Good night," I said, and flipped myself away from them, but I didn't close my eyes.
"Yeah, we better get going. Nice meeting you, Hayes, Maddie," One of them said. They all waved goodbye and left.
"I didn't even know any of their names," I muttered, and Hayes stood up and hit the light switch off. I kind of felt bad, now that Hayes' new friends weren't here and Hayes was clearly bored. I sighed and got up from my bed, laying down next to Hayes. I put some random movie on, and slowly fell asleep.

Updating off my phone again haha. THANKS FOR ALMOST 3K READS AHHH IM EXCITED. Anyways I still have homework to do, I'll try to update again soon xoxo

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