Chapter 5

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I get changed into dark blue skinny jeans and a white shirt with lace sleeves, and put my hair in a side braid. I sit down at my laptop on my desk and go on Twitter. I scroll for awhile and reply back to a couple of fans and such.

I get a knock on my door. "Come in," I yell, without even turning around. In walks Matt.

"Hey Maddie," he says, and sits on my bed. I close my laptop and look at him suspiciously. "So, you and Hayes, huh?" he says with a smirk.

I stand up immediately. "JACK TOLD YOU?!" I scream, not caring if anyone else hears. I can't believe Jack would do this. He's my older brother, and even if he's a complete idiot, he should know not to have told the boys. One of them are bound to slip to Hayes, probably Taylor. He can never-

My thought are interrupted when Matt begins to talk again. "Just me, don't worry. He only told me because we've been talking and stuff and we honestly thought you guys would end up together. You guys are my OTP," Matt says. I let out a breath of relief. Matt keeps talking, but I'm too focused on what the plans are today than what Matt is talking about. He always gets so sidetracked, now he's talking about some funny vine he saw earlier.

"Thanks, Matt. Do you know what the plans are for today?" I ask.

"No problem, Maddie. You can trust me with this stuff, besides I like gossip," he says and pretends to flip the hair he doesn't have. "I think we all have some meetings today, but Jack said you can come with us, or you can hang out here....with Hayes....just the two of you," Matt smirks again.

"Oh, shut up," I say and playfully push him. "I'll just go with you guys I guess, where is it?" I ask.

"It's some random building, but I know it's right around the corner from Starbucks, maybe you and Hayes could hang out there while we're all at the meeting?" Matt says, laughing at himself.

"Goodbye, Matthew," I say shoving him out the door. I really love my relationship with the boys. Especially Matthew, he's my best friend in the whole world, even if I haven't known him as long as say Johnson.

Soon we are all piling into the car, on our way to the meeting. I sit next to Jack, and Cam announces the plans. "Hayes and Maddie can't go in but you guys will only be outside for like 3 hours, tops." Great. 3 hours? I'm gonna be bored out of my mind.
Hey guys! This is about to get so good trust me! In this i feel like Maddie and Matt are just supposed to be really good friends and even if Matt gets teased by th other guys for it, he still is so kind to her. Anyways, part one of a Matt imagine will be up later tonight on my instagram: @magconimaginessx so yeah!

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