Chapter 19

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I was awake with a smash of glass. I felt my back get pushed forward, moving my whole body and pushing my stomach into my knee. I grabbed onto Cam as the car behind us went further into the back of ours. The car pushed up, landing upside down. I began to cry as I could no longer see any thing or one except for Cam and blood. I could hear the ambulance coming down the street. I closed my eyes, waiting for this to be over.

I woke up in the ambulance. Nash was next to me, I could tell by the bit of hair escaping the sheet covering his body. He didn't make it. How did any of this even happen? Where we're the rest of the boys? My heart monitor began to start beeping like crazy, before I thought of what to say. "Please tell the boys I love them so much," I barely managed to say before I heard the heart monitor start to slow down abnormally, making the paramedics panic. I closed my eyes again, all  sounds silencing as my body went numb.

Matt's pov

I rushed into hospital. The other car carrying half of the boys, along with Maddie, had got in a crash. I frantically looked at all the room numbers as I ran down the hallway, not caring if security would kick me out for not signing in.

Jack had already tested me the room number. I finally doing it, room 315. I read th  patients on the whiteboard, 'Madison T Gilinsky' and 'Hamilton N Grier.' Tears slowly started rolling down my face. Nash didn't make it. Madison passed out in the ambulance, but there's changed a small chance of her making it that they're going to take her off life support soon.

"Maddie?" I said, shaking her. There was no way she could be dead. "MADDIE? ANSWER ME!" I yelled, and Gilinsky stood up from the chair next to her bed. His eyes were puffy and red, he was totally out of it. It was her sister, after all. I hugged him, crying but his shoulder. "Why won't she answer me?" I cried, muffled by the fabric of his sweatshirt.

Some of the other boys came running in, and Hayes ran out as soon as he saw Nash. Poor kid, only 14 and his older brother is dead. I hugged all of the boys, but Cam and Aaron were in their own rooms. "Look, I know that we all want to see her, but could I just have some time alone with her for a minute?" The boys were hesitant, especially Gilinsky, but all got up and left.

"Look, Maddie, I know you can't hear me, but I'm in love with you. I love when you smile, laugh, joke, tweet, are crazy, and....and it just kills me to see you like this. Please come back," I said quietly, and kissed her cheek. I leaned down next to her bed and began to cry, holding her hand.

"Matt?" I heard someone say. "Matt?" they said again. I looked up, to see Maddie with her eyes barely open.
THAT'S IT! I know it's a sucky ending, but hey, what did you expect? I might make a epilogue just so you  can know how it was originally suppose  to end. Stay tuned for my next book (which will be a lot better by the way!) xx

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