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Maddie's pov

Now finished with the reunion tour, I'm in a relationship with Matt. The boys are all doing incredible things. There was some drama, especially when I was dating Hayes and he cheated on me with some blonde chick. Hayes had a black eye for about two weeks, courtesy of my brother.

Speaking of Jack, he isn't too happy with me and Matt dating. He's afraid Matt will make me do something I shouldn't, even though we both know he would never do that. Protective older brothers these days, what are you going to do?

Everyone is still super upset about Nash not making it. Can you blame them though? I don't know why or how Hayes continued the tour, but he said he had to make it up for Nash and wouldn't even let his mom take him home.

I get hate all the time, but I don't let it bother me much anymore. I guess this reunion tour was (mostly) worth it.
That's it! I know it's terrible, please don't yell at me. My next fanfic is going to be SO much better, I can promise you. B  on the look out for it! love us xx -Gabby

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