Chapter 4

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I threw on some sweatpants and climbed into bed. Soon Mahogany was lying down next to me, both of us on our phones.

"So, let's gossip!" Mahogany says, turning her phone off and turning to face me. "Who do you have crush on?" She asks. I give her a weird look, still holding my phone above my face. "Is it one of the boys?" She asks excited.

"Maybe...." I say, and mahogany laughs.

"Is it.....Matt?" I shake my head no. "Nash?" I shake my head again. After a while she finally guesses Hayes.

"Yeahhh...." I say smiling at the thought of him, and then I bury my head in the pillow in embarrassment. "What about you?" I ask. "Jacob?"

"Of course, if it wasn't obvious enough," she says and I laugh. We keep talking until we both fall asleep.

I wake up and look at the alarm clock beside me. 11:23 AM. I decide I may as well get out of bed. It's Saturday, so everyone is still in their pajamas. Cam made us all some pancakes, and when I went to sit the only chair was next to Hayes and across from Mahogany. I threw my hair in a bun and began to eat.

When I reached across the table for the maple syrup, Mahogany kicked me under the table. "Ow, what was that for?" I groaned. She put her finger up to her mouth, then made a motion towards Hayes and was laughing. I put my finger up to my mouth alarmingly, worried the boys would see. When I thought I was in the clear, my brother started laughing hysterically.

"You okay, Jack?" Johnson asked. He kept laughing and pointed at Hayes. I quickly shook my head, worried he would tell everyone.

"It's okay, Madison, I won't tell him!" Jack said and all of the boys looked at me in confusion.

"Um, I'm going to go get changed," I said, finding the quickest excuse I could to leave the table. "Mahogany, please make sure he doesn't tell anyone." I get out of my chair.

"You know I will Maddie," Mahogany said, giving Jack the death stare. I ran upstairs into my bedroom, leaving the boys in confusion.
hey guys! So I'm locked out of my instagram it says I got my acc disabled or something idk I'll try to fix it ASAP. And I also wanted to let you guys know when I say Jack, I mean Gilinsky, always. I'll say Johnson when it's Jack Johnson. love you guys!

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