Chapter 18

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I opened my eyes and saw Sammy shaking me awake. I sighed and put my arms up. He pulled me up and began carrying me. I watched as everyone got their stuff and Jack just carried my luggage. All the boys talked to some fans and Sammy set me down on the bench. I leaned against someone's bag and closed my eyes.

About 10 minutes later, I opened my eyes to see Aaron standing in front of me with his arms crossed. I smiled and he rolled his eyes, leaning down to let me get on his back. "Thank you," I muttered.

We finally made it to the two minivans that would take us to the hotel. Aaron set me next to Cam and climbed in after me, sitting by the window. I leaned against Cam's shoulder and watched as he scrolled through twitter. "What time is it?" I asked no one in particular.

"It is 8:24," Nash said from the seat in front of Aaron. "Before you ask, we're in Carson City, Nevada," Nash said and wiggled his shoulders with excitement (if that makes sense) when he said where we are.

"Are we going to all 50 states?" I asked, and all the boys nodded their heads. I sighed. We all took online school, well I was starting this year, so it wouldn't be much of a problem.

A road trip would be cool though, and at least we would have breaks back home.

I leaned back in the seat and drifted  off to sleep.





SUPER short chapter because I haven't posted in a while. I'm only going to do about 2 more chapters because I don't like this fabric at all and it's starting to feel like a chore to write it. I am starting a new one though, I've already started it and it's going to be much better. I just want to keep this up and not delete it because idk it was  my first fanfic xxx

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