Chapter 16

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A/N: I don't know if I said this in a past chapter or anything, because I think the original chapter 16 draft deleted. anyways, Bart will NOT be in this book because the reason they left magcon was because  of Bart. They're basically doing a tour with all the original magcon members, just it isn't magcon because  magcon is legally barts name. I also didn't get to go to a magcon event, so I have no clue if this is actually how it goes or whatever I don't know. So yeah. enjoy!

After breakfast, we all pile out of the car and into the venue. There are only about 100 fans here right now, since it is 6 hours before the event. The event started at 3:00, so it was 9:00 right now. We walked in and I looked around at the big room. I smiled and looked at Jack for approval. He let out a sigh and nodded his head.

I dropped my backpack, sunglasses and phone onto the carpet floor. I took off my light pink flip flops started doing front walkovers everywhere. I did about 15 then ended with a round off back handspring. I dusted myself off before running back over to my stuff.

I hung around everyone while they all got ready. Nash and I decided to go out and meet some fans. We went out and the amount of girls had tripled. There were over 500 tickets sold, meaning that there were still more to come. Nash and I smiled as they all started screaming. We went up and down the gate signing things, taking pictures, and talking to fans. I was only really famous for my brother, but I had a lot of followers on my social media and occasionally was on the news and different TV stations for my vines and such. Besides, at some points I was the closest the fans could get to seeing the boys, so they'd take what they can get.

After about an hour, Hayes came out to get us. We waved goodbye and Nash ran ahead of us into the venue. We walked silently, staring at the ground. Finally we were back at the room where the event was being held.

"Let's do a sound check," one of the people working for the reunion tour said. We all raced up to the stage, and I got up first. I grabbed a microphone and opened vine.

"Mahogany, play Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor!" I said quickly, before any of the boys could say anything. Dear Future Husband started playing and I pushed all of the boys off stage one by one until I was the only one on stage. "Act like my adoring fans!" I said and all of the boys started going crazy, yelling to the point where you could hear them probably miles away. The fans outside got louder, but died down. I started recording as I sang into the microphone and showed all of the boys 'adoring' me. I posted it and saw Jack on his phone with a smirk on his face. A notification popped up.

'Jack and Jack commented on your post: listing off the things Hayes will have to do in the future, huh?' I glared at Jack before quickly deleting his comment.

Soon the event started. It was a blast, getting to do stuff on  stage, meeting fans, following them on Twitter, and just being myself with my favorite people.

At the meet and greets, we all lined up at different stations and everyone came and got to see us. I got a lot of gifts, surprisingly, and I got my own meet and greet line.
I said this chapter would be long, but I haven't updated in so long I decided to just post. thanks for 6k reads!

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