Chapter 7

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Soon we're back at our house, and it is now about 3:00. "Will someone order a pizza?" Taylor yells. We all sit on the couch and I sit next to Nash and Hayes.

"I will!" Nash yells.

"Do you really have you yell? You guys are sitting across from each other," I say, and cover my ear closest to Nash. He laughs and rolls his eyes.

Once Nash gets off the phone, we decide to watch a movie. "Let's watch a scary one!" Carter says, and everyone agrees except for Matt.

"I-I'm just not in the mood for a scary movie," he says, and glanced at me and Hayes.

"Come on, Matt, please," Cameron begs.

"Fine," he says and lets out an angry breath.

Soon the pizza is here and we all eat while watching the movie. At a really intense part, Mr.Boogie (we were watching sinister) popped out of no where. I let out an ear piercing scream and basically jumped into Hayes' lap. He nervously laughs and once I had realised what I looked around the room and all of the boys started laughing. I looked over at Jack and he smirked nd raise his eyebrows.

I got off of Hayes and crossed my arms over my chest, both embarrassed and mad because now all of the boys were making fun of me. Matt stayed silent though, he seemed a little pissed about me and Hayes. I don't see why though, he had told me he wanted Hayes and I together.

He walks into the kitchen, still not saying a word. "I'm gonna get some more pizza," I say quietly and walk into the kitchen. I did actually want another slice, though, so I open the pizza box and throw a slice on my plate. "Matt, what's wrong?" I ask and walk over to the fridge, grab a soda, and sit at the island.

"Nothing, I'm fine Maddie," he says and doesn't look up at me. He starts pacing back and forth.

"Seriously though, Matt. Is it something I did?" I ask and take a bite of my pizza.

"No, no, it's not you. Trust me, everything is fine," Matt says and gives a fake smile.

"Alright, Matt. Seriously though, if something is bothering you just let me know, because I'll do anything for my best friend," I say and give him a hug before walking out of the kitchen with my plate of pizza and soda in my hand.
This isn't interesting at all omg. ANYWAYS it'll get interesting once the actual tour starts, but I know exactly how this is going to go so yeahhh

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