Chapter 2

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There weren't many fans, not at first anyways. Soon fans and paparazzi were swarming us, the boys were famous after all.

The fans were okay with me being there. Just like Shawn's little sister, the fans respected me and were okay with me being with the guys, they knew you weren't dating. The paparazzi always tried to twist that though.

When we couldn't get out of the crowd, Jack had held your hand, like always. I felt another hand grab mine, and turned to see who's it was.

It was Hayes. I smiled at him and he awkwardly smiled back, then he looked at the ground. Some of the fans noticed me and Hayes were holding hands, and started shouting things, some bad, some good.

I let go of Hayes' hand, and just held Jack's.

We finally got into the restaurant, and sat down at a large table. Our table had to be blocked off due to fans.

After dinner we all went outside and signed some posters, took a couple of photos, etc. We went home and were all sitting in the living room, everyone playing on their phones.

"So I'm confused," I said, sitting up a bit.

"On what?" Jack Johnson asked.

"Are we really going on tour? When? Why is Jack so okay with me going?" I asked.

"Because I don't care what you do, as long as it isn't annoying," Jack said. "We're going next month."

I sat back in your seat.

"Well, can we do something instead of sitting here?" Hayes asked.

"Let's go to the fair!" Mahogany said, and soon I was up in my bedroom getting ready to leave.
Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update, I'm in all advanced classes which means I have a lot of homework, plus I drive with my sister into the city every Tuesday and Thursday, and I have cheer on Sunday and Monday, plus my instagram(magconimaginessx and espinosatotally) and my vine (Grier N' Espinosa) plus my social life etc. So it takes a while. I'll probably upload twice a week, Saturday and Friday. Enjoy!

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