Chapter 8

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When I woke up this morning, I immediately looked at my phone again, but this time I had no message from Wei Ying. It made me kind of sad and I wondered if maybe he doesn't want to write with me anymore because of what I wrote last night. That he should forget what I wrote at noon, that is, the one about my dream.

Actually, my first thought should be Zhan, after all, he and I are officially a couple since yesterday. But why can't I stop thinking about him and Wei Ying? Why do I feel the same way about both of them? I'm torn between my feelings for them, and I can't even explain it.

My guilty conscience towards Zhan just keeps getting bigger and bigger, especially because I even lied to him yesterday when I asked him if it bothered him if I had contacts with others on the internet. I shouldn't have asked that. And I think I really need to talk to my brother today.

I'm going to write him and ask if he's free at lunch and can pick me up at work. I need to talk to him!

During the breakfast break, I really had to pull myself together not to tell Seungyoun what was going through my mind. I'm sure he would have blamed me again right away. Like yesterday. And I can do without that, it doesn't help me.

When it was finally lunch time, my brother came and we went to the snack bar just a few stores away. I started by telling him that I finally got my first kiss and how much I enjoyed it. He was happy for me. And he was even happier when I told him that Zhan and I were now officially a couple.

After that, I carefully explained to him my concern and what I asked Zhan yesterday. I also explained to him that I suddenly feel torn between the two of them, with my feelings.

"Mhhh, well I don't even know where to start Yibo. Let me ask you first. Did the author give you any signals that you might assume he was interested in more than an author and fan thing?"

"Honestly, no. He wrote about his books and even confirmed or cleared up a few rumors for me. For example, he said that the complete volumes of Fantasy World have been finished since a year ago. And he also confirmed that there will be a new book. A sad love story. He also wrote me that it took him a long time to find his own writing style. So nothing that doesn't involve books in some way."

"I see. Were you hoping he would write other things?"

"Sure, everything about him makes me curious."

"Yeah I know. Um, maybe, and I'm just saying maybe, you really are in love with him. You've admired him so much all this time and really soaked up all the news. But at the time your feelings were still in limits until you got a message from him and it confirmed your fantasy of him being very nice and all."

"I can't be in love with him. I'm in love with Zhan."

"A person is perfectly capable of loving two people at the same time and in the same way."

"I can't imagine that. How can that be done?"

"It can be done Yibo, believe me. And believe me too that it only feels nice at first, but at some point you're just done because you can't make up your mind, you hurt other people's feelings, and you suffer more and more yourself."

"It sounds like you've experienced that yourself. Do you have brother?"

"We're not talking about me now, after all. It was, yeah, it was just an example. What I was trying to tell you is, there's a definite possibility that you're in love with both men. Zhan and Wei Ying. Even if you can't believe that. And it's also a little strange, since you don't even know who Wei Ying really is."

"Let's say you're right. What should I do now? I don't want to lose Zhan and be with him. But at the same time, it's like everything is pulling me towards Wei Ying."

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