Chapter 16

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Today is Saturday and today we are having guests and, I am totally excited about it. And the garden is ready. We still had it finished on Tuesday. We had to work until late evening for it, but we finally finished it.

And because we were both home the last couple of days, we really got a lot done in the house as well. The finished rooms are, living room, both bathrooms, kitchen, bedroom, guest room, stair railings and we did a bit in the second guest room as well.

On Tuesday night I talked to Zhan in the bathtub, about the next step in our relationship. I told Zhan that I felt ready for the next step and we talked about it. Zhan said it would be better to wait a few more days and then if I still say I want to, we will sleep with each other.

I think it's good that he wants me to be sure. "I'll wait until you're ready. Even if that would take a year. Don't put pressure on yourself about it. And if it's gonna happen, then it will happen. Without us planning it." He told me.

"And doesn't it bother you that I have no experience?" I wanted to know.

"No my cutie. And don't worry about it. You don't have to worry about things like that, because once you start doing it, you'll get scared and that would be a real pity. You'll see, everything will be fine. I just want you, when the time comes, to trust me and relax. And you'll see, everything else will happen by itself." He replied.

So let's wait a little longer. Maybe that's not wrong, since we've only been together for two weeks.

On Wednesday we went to the observatory, but unfortunately they were closed for urgent repairs. That was a disappointment for me, because I really wanted to go there. But Zhan came up with something to cheer me up.

He bought a lamp, put it on my nightstand, and turned it on. And then stars started to shine around us and on the ceiling. It was madness! And while I was lying on the bed looking at the stars around me, Zhan was reading to me from a book. That had just been a beautiful evening.

On Thursday, the new stair railing arrived. Zhan and I had previously painted the hallway and replaced a few steps and then, together with two workers from the manufacturing company, installed the stair railing. It is custom made, and resembles the old stair railing, so it fits perfectly into the house.

On Friday we started with the second guest room before we went shopping. After that, we went to my house and cleaned out my closet. We also packed all my books into boxes and took those with us as well. Zhan wants to make a reading room out of the last room that hasn't been renovated yet.

This morning we also started tinkering with my car. By the way, it didn't start again when we went to get it from the parking lot on Wednesday. Luckily my boyfriend is a car mechanic and was able to fix the problem quickly so that I could take my car to our house.

Once we started working on the car, Zhan realized that there was a lot more to be done than we thought. It is now in the garage and whenever we have time we will work on it. That means Zhan will drive me to work for the time being. And because Zhan always gets off work an hour later than I do, we've agreed that I'll take the bus to the car repair shop after work and then we'll always drive home together.

I'm also really excited about tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll finally get the volume 5 of Fantasy World with the special cover and an autograph, and I bet Zhan will confirm that the other book is also by Wei Ying. I was wondering if he will tell me tomorrow how he got the book or if he knows my favorite author personally?


It's 6 pm and something very confusing but also emotional just happened. Now I know why my brother broke up with his ex. But in order.

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