Chapter 20

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Our last week was pretty packed with unplanned things. On Tuesday, I just arrived at Zhan's work, and received a call from my mother saying she now had the requested evidence there and that I should come to the hospital and see it for myself.

Zhan and I then went to the hospital right after he left work. We looked at all the documents and yes, the health insurance denied the heart valve surgery. The crazy thing is, if my dad had needed a donor heart, they would have paid for the surgery and everything around it.

So then Zhan actually paid for the surgery and paid the money to the hospital right away. And all of a sudden my parents seemed very conciliatory and acted like they suddenly accepted me, their gay son. But Zhan and I knew they were lying. So Zhan said, "Now that the bill and the follow-up costs have been settled, I'm taking Yibo back with me. I hope it remains that you only call him in an absolute emergency. Because I don't want him to be confused by you. So you don't have to act like you suddenly care about him."

He took my hand and we left my father's hospital room without waiting for a response from my parents. What could they say to that? However, I was happy to see how protective Zhan was of me and careful not to let them hurt me again.

When we got back home, we ate together and then continued to renovate the second guest room.

On Wednesday, Zhan picked me up from work since he could leave work sooner. We went home, took a shower and got dressed up. Then we were shopping in the city for a bit and ate dinner at a restaurant and then we both went to a musical. It was really great. An unplanned and spontaneous date.

When we got back home, we stood kissing at our front door before Zhan lifted me up, carried me into the house and then into our bedroom where we made love. Our second time and it was even better than the first.

On Thursday, Zhan drove with me to his publishing house after work. There were a few final details to sort out about the book release of "Forbidden Love." He introduced me to the publisher as his life partner and I was really excited. All this was really exciting for me. And I even got to meet two other authors who I've also read books from. It was great to be able to talk to them, because like Zhan, they're actually aloof.

Friday we went after work, already shopping for Saturday. After that, we painted the second guest room. It is now finished and only a few pieces of furniture are missing.

When we wanted to turn on the TV in the evening shortly before 9 pm, Yanli called. She was in labor and the baby was on the way. We then drove to the birth clinic and waited with her husband, A-Jing, Cheng and Hai Kuan.

Shortly after 2 am, Yanli's husband then came out of the birthing room with a little bundle in his arms. A-Jing is now the big brother of A-Ling. Although we were totally tired before, we were suddenly all wide awake. Because A-Ling greeted us with a loud scream. He is so tiny and totally cute.

Only around 4 am we were back home, we were still very excited, but as tired as we were, we immediately fell asleep. It wasn't until about 1 pm that we woke up. And then after we showered and ate we tinkered with my car. Zhan explained to me what he was doing and I didn't understand anything. But I don't have to, because my Hubby knows what he is doing.

And just then Seungyoun and Wooseok joined us. Wooseok was totally excited because he met Zhan and could see me again after a long time. Our two men then went to Seungyoun's car while I showed Wooseok the house and told him all about Zhan and me.

"Zhan wants to make a reading room for us yet. I wanted to help him with it, but he wants to do it on his own. He wants to surprise me with it. I'm really eager to see what he's going to do with this room." I said as I showed Wooseok the unfinished room.

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