Chapter 40/MPREG Special

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Yibo stood naked in the bedroom in front of the closet with the large mirror and looked at himself. His belly had grown properly in recent weeks and until the expected date of birth of the twins, it is now only six weeks. For a few days, Yibo had been having sinking contractions again and again, making it clear to him that it would soon be over.

Because slowly but surely the pregnancy is bothering him. He can hardly get dressed by himself and needs Zhan's help. In addition, his back often hurts and he often can't lie on one side for long. His feet are swollen and the twins' movements even hurt sometimes. Even though Yibo still enjoys being pregnant, he still wishes the day of birth would finally come.

After a few minutes of looking at his body, Yibo went into the bathroom where Zhan had poured water into the bathtub for him. He sat down in the bathtub and when Zhan came, he gently massaged his back and then his feet. "Thank you Hubby for being so good to me." Said Yibo, once again glad to have such a loving and caring husband.

Zhan gave him a kiss, caressed his belly and replied, "I'm very happy to do this for you. No matter if you are pregnant or not."

"Just don't let my brother hear that, he'll get upset again."

"My cutie, I've already told your brother my opinion on that."

"I know." Replied Yibo. A few days ago when Hai Kuan and Cheng were visiting the two, Yibo's brother had scolded Zhan for spoiling Yibo so much.

"Eventually he'll just sit around lazily and let you do everything if you keep spoiling him like that." Hai Kuan had said.

Zhan immediately stood up and angrily answered, "Now listen to me carefully. Whether and how I spoil my husband is none of your business. I love to do that. I've been doing this from the beginning because I want to and I enjoy it too. And I get so much back from Yibo in return. You should try it with Cheng sometime and you'll understand what I mean."

"I also spoil Cheng from time to time. But not the way you spoil my little brother. What if he gets used to it and eventually doesn't want to do anything?" Hai Kuan asked.

"That won't happen. Because Yibo is not like that. He had, even though I spoiled him from the very beginning, always been hardworking. And he also already has plans of what he wants to do once the twins are born. And even if he doesn't want to go back to work and would rather be home with the twins, he's allowed to do that. I would still continue to spoil him. Simply because he deserves to be pampered so much. After all, he is the cutest and most amazing husband in the world. And when he's doing well, I'm doing well too." Explained Zhan and then did not allow any further discussion.

Cheng later explained to the two of them that he and Hai Kuan had had another argument because ever since Cheng found out about Yibo's pregnancy, he has been obsessed with the idea of wanting to have children of his own. Even more, that he wishes to be able to get pregnant like Yibo too. Hai Kuan is worried because Cheng is getting more and more into this and told Cheng to finally stop thinking that they will ever be a couple like Zhan and Yibo.

The argument, as Cheng told it, had been very heated and probably Hai Kuan was still angry when they got to Zhan and Yibo. And then when Zhan rubbed Yibo's belly with baby oil, he probably just blurted it out. Still, it left a trace on Yibo, who was currently very emotional anyway due to the hormones of pregnancy.

Zhan kissed Yibo, smiled and said, "I don't care what your brother says. I love you and I love to spoil you. And I will continue to do that. Stop thinking about it and relax."

Yibo nodded and suddenly had to laugh when Zhan put a yellow bath duck on his belly and the twins reacted immediately. Because the duck lifted up and then rolled down from the belly. "I guess our daughters don't like the duck." Said Yibo, whose eyes were already watering with laughter.

I am not cute! [ZhanYi FF]✔️With MPREG Special!Where stories live. Discover now