Chapter 35/Special

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If this morning at 05:30 am someone would have secretly, quietly looked into the bedroom of Zhan and Yibo, who are now married for 6 weeks, they might have gotten a red head and would have left very quickly. Because then that person would have seen Yibo, moaning and lusting, sitting on Zhan and moving up and down. A great new way to start the day, as Yibo finds.

And because he currently enjoyed it even more when Zhan slept with him, it went in the shower also immediately in the second round. Because Yibo just can't get enough of Zhan at the moment and would love to spend the whole day with him in bed and feel Zhan inside him. Even for Yibo, his massive desire for sex with Zhan, was absolutely new.

So after they made love for the second time, they stood together in front of the sink and brushed their teeth. And just like in the past 4 days, Yibo suddenly had to choke. He felt so sick that he had to throw up. Worried, Zhan remained sitting next to him and rubbed his back. "Again? What kind of virus is this? You were fine a minute ago and now this!"

Yibo rinsed his mouth, brushed his teeth, rinsed his mouth again and said, "I don't know either. This comes from one minute to the next and then it's over again. And now I'm hungry."

"Hungry? You just threw up and you're still hungry?" Zhan asked, confused.

"Yes. I'm fine again and I'm just hungry now. Oh, could I have two soft-boiled eggs for breakfast today?"

"Soft boiled eggs? You don't like them at all."

"Well, I do now. I'm really craving for those."

"Oh um, okay. Then I'll boil eggs for you. Anything else?"

"Yes. I'd like a glass of hot soy milk instead of my hot chocolate. Oh and on my bread I'd like jam."

"Ah yes. How can your tastes change in one night? Yesterday you were scolding me for buying soy milk and you've never liked jam."

"Mhhh, that's just the way it is now. Maybe it's related to my stomach and intestinal virus."

"You don't have anything with your intestines."

"But still, I've been feeling a tugging in my stomach for the last few days."

"I think it's better if we don't go to Henry's this weekend and you stay in bed. Maybe you'll feel better after you get some rest."

"All right. I'll let Henry know later then. Now let's have breakfast, I'm starving." Yibo replied. The two went into the bedroom and got dressed, Yibo pausing briefly as he suddenly felt dizzy, not for the first time in the last few days.

After breakfast, during which Zhan couldn't believe how much Yibo ate and that after he had just thrown up moments before, the two left for their jobs. Zhan wasn't entirely comfortable letting Yibo go to work today, because something is wrong with his young, cute husband and it worries him.

When Yibo arrived at the parking lot in front of the hardware store, Seungyoun was already waiting for him. Holding a hot coffee in his hand, he greeted Yibo and suddenly Yibo's stomach began to twist as he caught the smell of the coffee in his nose. Seungyoun sniffed at his coffee but did not notice anything unusual about it. Yibo, however, couldn't stand the smell anymore, ran inside the hardware store, to the restrooms, and threw up again.

Afraid that something was wrong with his coffee after all and he just couldn't detect it, Seungyoun immediately disposed of his coffee and helped Yibo back to his feet after he had vomited all of his breakfast in the toilet. Concerned, Seungyoun wrote a message to Zhan, who then called his brother and asked him to send Yibo home if he felt Yibo could not or should not work.

I am not cute! [ZhanYi FF]✔️With MPREG Special!Where stories live. Discover now