Chapter 27

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I had a father who died half a year ago. My memories of him are mostly those in which he was hard, dismissive and cold to me. The father who rarely spoke to me, leaving me to myself to mature and become stronger, even when I was only 5 years old. A father from whom I never learned anything, never received love and warmth. The father who only shortly before his death, decided to admit why he was like that.

And now I have a father whom I have known for a short time. And already I have collected some great memories with him. Like the weekend what he spent at Zhan and my house working with me in my garden. Where he helped me put up the pavilion, put new plants in the flower beds and bought me a good water pump with a great water filter for my pond.

A father who talked to me a lot and shared his knowledge with me. He often praised me, often took me in his arms, and even cooked for Zhan and me.

He had invited us to his home. This huge house where he lives all alone. He asked Zhan and me if he could take some pictures of us, which he then hung up in the house. He even offered us to have our wedding ceremony at his place. Who was with me in his beautiful garden. Who told me I was perfect the way I am.

My father, who taught me how to fish. Who took me to a community center for a father son contest and won with me and proudly told everyone I was his son. A father I've been able to call Daddy for a week now.

And even my brother has grown closer to him. Three days ago, the two of them spent a day all alone together. I don't really know what they did. But afterwards, my brother was affectionate and open-minded towards him. He even hugged him and told him that he is grateful that his biological father is such a good person.

And yesterday, the three of us did something. My brother, my daddy and I went to the zoo. I love going to the zoo, even though I'm an adult now. And so does my brother.

We looked at the animals, fed a few animals, went to the petting enclosure, and then had dinner together. And at that meal he said, "I found your mother. She is back in Beijing. I want us to confront her as a family, three of us, as father and sons."

My brother and I were immediately in favor and agreed to do that tomorrow. Unfortunately, Zhan will not be accompanying me because he has to go to the publishing house. In recent weeks, since I became closer to my father, Zhan has been withdrawing from me more and more. He said it was to give me space to get to know my father better, even alone, and because he was writing a new book.

I know he meant well, but I don't like it. We didn't talk much together and during the nights he was often in his writing room, so I had to sleep alone. I'm honestly worried about my relationship with Zhan. Have I perhaps focused too much on my new father in the past few weeks?

At work I talked to Seungyoun about all this and he said, "Yibo I don't think Zhan is angry with you and that's why he withdrew from you. I'm sure he wanted to give you enough time to get to know him. He is happy for you. And then you have to remember that writers need time for themselves too. A lot of writers write at night and sometimes forget everything around them."

"But I don't want my Hubby to forget me."

"Well, you haven't done much now to make him not forget you, have you? And if you've been like that with him, like you've been with me lately, and all you talk about is your dad, what do you want him to say?"

"Mhhh, yeah well. It may be that I've only been talking about him lately. But if it bugs him, then he has to tell me."

"It won't bug him. Honestly Yibo, if you want more attention from your Hubby again, then you have to do something about it. Yes, he has spoiled you a lot. But you can't always just wait for him to approach you. You can approach him as well. Ask him if you want to go out together. Sit with him as you did before when he writes. Give him your full attention and focus only on him."

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