Why I don't like Ola's or Raven's stories

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What's up y'all, it's SuperNathan10002 here, so I haven't made any rant about their stories lately, with family day today, today is my time to shine and explain to y'all why I don't like Ola's or Raven's stories. I have been waiting to type about this for the longest of times, I have discussed this with my other peeps in Discord when it comes to their stories. I could just go in-depth with their stories and explain them, but I feel like it will be complex for them to understand so I thought I'll make this as simple as I can. All I can say is this MIGHT be the longest rant I ever typed in, without any due, let's get right into it.

Ever since both Raven and Ola had to redo ALL their stories, they still make the old TMNT/MLP/Sonic shipping books to this day. The good news is they don't use script-writing anymore as I feel it's going to change anything, but as always, no, nothing at all has changed since they reboot the series and books themselves.

The first thing I want to point out when it comes to their story is their opening, as you can tell, their story always starts off with the character's perspective or POV they're dealing with like Leo's struggle of being the leader or Raph having anger issues. They show the characters going against the main character and try to get their readers to hate the character and act like children, they only put in songs in a few chapters but most of the time it's no song Disney solves your problem case. What I don't like about this is immediately after this chapter, they go off the other character's POV who is going to end up being with the character we just met in the first chapter, if anything, this is a trope/trend writers like Jakob, Jacob, Mars, & Makayla, etc. You may be asking why I have issues with this? You had to pay attention towards the end of the chapter, Raven would put in "For little does [character] know," I can bring up stories that fall under this, I'll list them down here:

1. Love Beyond Darkness (A RaveNardo Love Story) - Chapter 3: The Struggle Of A Leader

2. The Lady And The Nerd (A RariTello Love Story) - Chapter 1: Getting Rejected.....In The Nicest Ways

3. Burning Love (A RaphShimmer Love Story) - Chapter 1: The Problem With His Anger

4. Star Crossed Lovers (A TwilightNardo Love Story) - Chapter 1: The Despair Of Losing His Father

I can bring up more stories from Raven, but these are the chapters where it's located. This literal spoiler what's going to happen in the next chapter if you keep doing this, if you are trying to foreshadow, that's the incorrect way how to foreshadow a story. And keep in mind, people keep saying "awesome as always and [insert words]" in the comments, it's as if they barely know what happened in the chapter. Yet they don't care about the "Little does [character] know" crap, guess they won't mind me giving spoilers for movies they really want to watch, I hope they don't mind it. 

Lemme tell you how to foreshadow what's going to happen in the next chapters, well for me at least, choose which events where you want to foreshadow and give direct information by mentioning an upcoming event or explaining the plans of the people. I recommend trying a google search until someone else made a chapter about it. So let's take a look at one story of Raven, let's do the TwilightNardo love story from the first chapter I listed down.

"Little did anyone know was that soon Leo's life may change for the better and help him through his problems. Especially when he meets someone who understands what he's going through." (Star Crossed Lovers (A TwilightNardo Love Story) - Chapter 1: The Despair Of Losing His Father)

So what's the issue there? For starters, it's very vague. We were given someone who is going to change Leo's life, if you're going to make the argument that it's Twilight because, well it's in the book. That's the issue, the story is no good if it's a love story about two characters and make it obvious that's what it meant. My counter-argument is that you shouldn't make that foreshadow for that, I have seen better love stories anime, movies, or games, and let me tell you, they never foreshadow anything about is similar or like Raven's stories. If you still don't get it and want to understand more, just let me know and I'll explain more.

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