Why Twilightnardo Doesn't Work [Debunked]

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Disclaimer: Please don't go attack or harass anyone who likes the ship; Twilightnardo, I made this entirely for fun and there are things that I 100% disagree with most of the things people say about Twilight and Leonardo. Hope you understand.

What's up y'all, it's SuperNathan10002 here. Today I am here to debunked on a ship that is pretty well-known in the Kiana1506/Raven Queen's and Ola's fanbase, and to those that are fans of the TMNT x MLP au stuff. It's 2020 and my opinion has changed over the years on certain things. Now many of you have to know Twilightnardo, aka, Twilight Sparkle x Leonardo. Which version of the two characters exactly?  As in right now, the 2012/Nickelodon Leonardo and Sci-Twi/Human Twilight from Equestria Girls. At first, I thought it was cute, but as the year past over and many things happening to my life, my opinion won't stay the same as it used to be. What's the connection between the two on two ships you may ask? Oh boy, you won't believe what they put in for a reason they ship them.

1. They're both leaders of their own teams

2. They both went sort of dark once

3. They can feel guilty for failing something

4. They are the main character 

5. They are their favorite students (Like Celestia and Splinter)

6. They are both serious and focus

I won't include the relationship between such characters to make it a reason to ship them, it's not entirely relevant when looking at this list and knowing what version they're using. The issue with this list is literally, these traits aren't like or resemble Sci-Twi, that's Pony/Equestria Twilight. For starters, at number 1, Sci-Twi isn't much of a leader, she is more bit of a wallflower if anything, acting very awkward and scared around others, that's supposed to be Pony Twilight. Pony Twilight is described by numerous official guidebooks, they consistently show that Pony Twilight is a natural-born leader, what does that mean? Natural-born leader means able to do something well immediately or from the very first time.

Although in the MLP movie guidebook, it does state this: "TWILIGHT SPARKLE is the unofficial leader of the Mane 6, and the hero of My Little Pony: The Movie."

I'll go by the consistent statement that Pony Twilight is a natural-born leader. Another thing to point out about her leadership is that after being crowned as leader of Equestria, Twilight is put in charge of the, and helps her future student realize the importance of friendship in a similar way to learning it herself from Celestia. This is from the season nine finale of MLP, so if we go by what the finale shows us, Twilight became the leader of the Friendship of the Council of Friendship in the season nine finale. Possibly implying that Twilight didn't become a leader of the Mane 6 in the first place. So what about 2012 Leonardo? Well to start it all off, he didn't start as the leader at first, it was Splinter who chose him to be the leader of the turtles. In terms of leadership, 2012 Leo has shown such bravery, determination, and willpower which makes him a great leader in the series. As the 2012 TMNT goes on, Leo becomes more focused and disciplined as a leader, even becoming willing to sacrifice his own life for the sake of others. So for this first reason for the shipping, their leadership has different morals and lessons from the two, like the leadership of friendship and leadership as a team leader, two different things that shouldn't make it the same. 

Now in number 2.. right off the bat, there's an issue. Midnight Queen is a alter ego of Sci-Twi, not a darkside or some stuff. What makes it an alter ego? It's basically a person's secondary or alternative personality, like for example, Clark Kent is basically Superman's alter ego or Bob from Sonic Boom is Sonic's alter ego. As in for 2012 Leonardo, people tried to use the excuse that "oh, Leo worked for Karai and her Foor Clan to take Shredder's Foot Clan down until he realized that Donnie got hurt from the explosion." Let me put this in a way that may upset you, well some people that are a fan of this ship, Leo is literally in disguise during the rebellion against Shredder's Foot Clan that was being led by Karai, Shinigami, and their Foot Clan which he started to help them out. In a nutshell, Midnight Queen and Shinobi Leonardo isn't a darkside, one is a alter ego and another is the same person but in disguise. 

For number 3! We had to look in the definition of "guilty," guilty means justly chargeable with or responsible for a usually grave breach of conduct or a crime. Let's look at Sci-Twi, what did she do that would consider being guilty? In the friendship games near the end, Sci-Twi was forced to use the magic she adsorbs in order for the Shadowbolt's victory, which ends up Sci-Twi transforming into her alter ego where she is obsessed with magic. She created rifts through the space-time continuum that opens up Equestria, Sunset stops her and she apologizes for all the trouble she caused, and Sunset and her friends forgive her. Now, what about 2012 Leonardo? To be honest, despite my knowing a little about TMNT 2012 since the last time I watched it from a year ago, I have to say that Leo hasn't done anything guilty through the series. Bam, we got someone that has some sort of guilt she regrets doing and we have someone where he didn't do anything guilty. 

Number 4... what? Main character? What? What reason is this!? That's a very bad reason to support or backup their shipping, why does it matter if they're the main character for shipping and why does it influence the shipping? Next!

Number 5. Okay okay okay, you wanna hear what I have to say? Sci-Twi is only Principal Cinch's favorite student in the Friendship Games. The only reason Pony Twilight is with Princess Celestial is that when she was a filly, she studied magic on her own and wanted to attend 's. At the entrance exam, Twilight was told to use magic to hatch's egg, but she was unable to cast a spell. At that moment, Rainbow Dash's startled her and caused her magic to go out of control. Princess Celestia witnessed Twilight's magical abilities and made Pony Twilight her personal protégé. The word protégé means a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person. In a nutshell, it's basically Pony Twilight is Princess Celestia's special student. Now, what about 2012 Leonardo?  Like I said before, 2012 Leo was chosen by Splinter to be the leader of the turtles. Leo was never a student in the first place, he was just a ninja that was trained by Splinter. There's literally no proof, or statement, or anything that says that Leonardo is Splinter's favorite student. So there's that, now for the last that I saved.

Number 6, while I do 100% agreed that 2012 Leonardo is more focused and serious when it comes as a character and his personality, and his action. As in for Sci-Twi's case, it really depends on the context of what situation or time where it's given. Sci-Twi is known for being highly intelligent. She holds a great interest in knowledge and science, being able to assemble intricate scientific devices and solve complex mathematical equations, and Sunset Shimmer being her intellect rival. She is primarily focused and gets serious when it comes to something that involves math and science, or even knowledge. Other than that, Sci-Twi isn't too serious or focus unless if it involves math or science, and Leonardo is focused and a serious character as a team leader or in-character. 

So what have we learned so far? Well, we learn that Sci-Twi x Leonardo would not work as a couple or shipping after looking into those six lists. Maybe Pony Twilight x Leonardo could work, just, maybe, but not going there just yet. If you want to discuss or debate me on this, you either do it in a private message at Wattpad, or in Discord or in Hangouts. Those are the three options to happen, and I hope you guys enjoy reading through those long sentences about stuff.

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