Raven made an apology.. is she really sorry?

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As many of you may not know, Raven confess the stuff she has done from the past month and year. Yep, she really did one of those apologize thing expect it's not in YouTube, but the question is, is it really an apology? Well let's find out shall we;

Raven: "Okay. I give up. I don't want to do this but FINE you WIN. I'll confess my mistakes but I'm only doing this so people would back off and get over this dumb problem that's not even a big deal. But i do have regrets and here's my proof."

Okay, I never expected, and I mean, NEVER, expected Raven to say stealing is dumb and not a big deal. Plagiarism, fricking Plagiarism.. y'all should know how bad it is, it's literally consider against the LAW. How can't you not know this?! How can you just say stealing is not a big deal but when someone steal your work, you make it a big deal. Tell that to me.. tell me, what's your excuse to try avoid this mess you originally cause? There's literally people in her comments are defending her, ignoring the evidence I have provided, and try to justify her action. Which is complete bs.

Raven: "I hate when people say I'm selfish. I try to make everyone happy before I even focus on my own happiness, if anything I'm not selfish enough. Shame on me for always being selfish, the feeling is never returned. My intentions aren't bad. But i gotta realize being selfish isn't worth stealing others ideas even though I'm not but people just don't see things that way. Maybe I'm just the type of person who's full of shit and a backstabber, maybe i'm not innocent and I'm selfish and look after myself. It's too late to apologize, I apologize if you don't like me the way I am. There's absolutely NOTHING I can do about it. I'm sorry for stealing, I'm sorry it had to be that way but I won't apologize

for who I am. I'm not going to apologize for who I am. If I did, then that would just defeat the purpose of being myself. I'd apologize but I dont realize what I'm doing wrong. Mistakes happen, I try to apologize and it's not even given recognition. I don't know what to say. The best thing to do, is apologize and move on!!."

So starting off, when you say your not selfish... Are you sure about that? What about your ego? Oh yea, there's time where you use your mighty ego whenever it's on YouTube or Wattpad, you use your ego and throw a fit on "haters and disliker," even tho you DISABLE the like and dislike button, what's the point of that message? Like... For real? You have the balls to literally guilt trip in the entire sentence! When you say "I apologize if you don't like me the way I am. There's absolutely NOTHING I can do about it. I'm sorry for stealing, I'm sorry it had to be that way but I won't apologize," that's literally making you look selfish and your ego is growing even more. So not only you fricking guilt trip everyone, but you lied to yourself about being selfish and you won't apologize to who you are... That's even worse then your stealing action. If you think being selfish, greedy, want fame (from wanting voting and commenting), thinking your better than the hater, and getting the love praise is okay for you, then I hope someone will help you. Also moving on isn't going help in some situations, something she doesn't know.

Raven: "So there i apologize for stealing your story even though i was only inspired by it. I wasn't trying to steal or copy your story. Plus it was only for couple of chapter i need for the story. But I'm sorry if that's how you see it. I hope you're happy now, cause i don't care if you forgive me or not. Hate me all you want go ahead I'm used to getting hated by everyone. If this apologize isn't enough to convinced you then i don't know what else.I honestly don't care any more. I'm just done

I'm not gonna mention the person named that i stole her or his idea. But i just want to that person to know I'm sorry. If this isn't enough to convinced. Then sorry but this is all i can do, if people can't learn to forgive then what difference would that make you compare to me??. Just saying.You don't have to forgive. Just move on.

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