Old Fanfic I haven't showed

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So just a reminder, this short fanfic I just did is purely made just for fun. This was before the stuff with Raven and Ola, which include the script writing and two people were able to read it. Hope you guys enjoy reading this.


The story takes place in Momo's mansion in a world filled with pro heroes, it was cloudy, dark, and a little windy. The masked Jackal was seen looking at the windows, you see, Infinite was found outside of Momo's mansion, weakened, injured. She has to take him inside to patch him up, so Momo could tell that Infinite is a villain based on his appearance and the mask. For some reason, this was new to her, she really wanted to call the pro heroes about this but she doesn't know too much about Jackal and his origin, don't judge a book by it's cover. Infinite wasn't wearing his mask anymore, he had given up and accepted his fate. 

Momo is trying to analyze one of her dreams she had last night. She's trying to put together the puzzle of the mysterious figure saving her from a firing building, she remembers the figure having a tail and a mask. Infinite no longer has the full extent of the Phantom Ruby's power when he first had it, but he still has little pieces of the broken Ruby. This angers Infinite, he failed to avenge not only his parents and his squad, but his loyalty for Eggman is all but wasted. He realized now that Eggman has history with his creations or beings that teams up with him, tends to backstab him from the back. Momo looked at the Masked Jackal for a moment, who is now looking at his left hand. 

Momo Yaoyorozu: You alright there, Infinite?

Infinite: Y-Yeah.. I-I'm good,Yaoyorozu. 

Momo Yaoyorozu: Just call me Momo. 

The Jackal nodded to her, he will remember that. Infinite stops looking at his left hand, thanks to Momo, Infinite has learned about the world he is in, pro heroes, quirks, villains, and All Might. The Jackal isn't much surprised about this world having heroes and villains, it gives him the memories of him beating Sonic at their first encounter. 

Infinite: You suspected me as a villain?

Momo Yaoyorozu: At first, yeah. But the more we got to know each other for the past two days, maybe there's more than just you being a villain. 

Infinite: So.. you had feelings towards me?

She blushes pink when she hears that, feelings for her? Momo was flattered by his comment and his tone. 

Momo Yaoyorozu: N-No! What gives you the idea?

Infinite: Normally a person would beat me up or report this to the police or the pro heroes. Despite that never happening to me. But for you, you are one rare gem to actually see me differently. 

Momo Yaoyorozu: That's so?

He nodded as a yes. 

Momo Yaoyorozu: Guess I am lucky then. 

Infinite scoffs. The Jackal sees his mask, which is at the table beside Momo. He keeps getting memories from his past before the Jackal squad or becoming Infinite, the past haunts him since that day. His scars are part of his origin, Infinite's past origin was only known from himself, Doctor Eggman, and the members of the Jackal Squad. Momo can see the movement and the emotion that Infinite is expressing to himself, the emotion that is fear, she is concerned about him. 

Momo Yaoyorozu: Your okay, Infinite? 

The Jackal didn't hear what she did, still having many memories from the past, what makes him more afraid is the memory where he sees his Jackal Squad being killed off after his defeat with Shadow. That's where he drops his knee to the ground, panicking and sweating a lot, Momo gets very worried when Infinite falls to his knee. Infinite was breathing heavily after he saw memories of his dead Jackal squad, Momo immediately got to Infinite. 

Momo Yaoyorozu: Infinite! Are you alright!? 

Infinite is now able to hear Momo, he stops breathing heavily and takes three deep breaths. The Jackal is now back to his senses. 

Infinite: I am.. for now. 

Momo Yaoyorozu: Did something bad happen to you? 

Infinite: Sort of… it is a bad memory from the past, the past before I became… who I am that many know me from where I am from.

Momo Yaoyorozu: Oh dear.. this bad memory of yours must've affected you when you're young. 

The Jackal nods, Momo offers her left hand for him to get up, Infinite doesn't hesitate but grabs her hand and Momo helps Infinite get up. The Jackal was now back to his feet. 

Infinite: Thanks anyways.. 

He looked away, crossing his arms, trying to hide his blush. It's the first time he had felt this, Momo could only giggle a little, she could tell that Infinite was blushing red. 

Momo Yaoyorozu: Oh your welcome, Infinite. Not a lot of villains have these types of emotions, or acted that way.. guess you are one rare gem to be more than just a villain. 

Infinite: *chuckle* I am? 

The Jackal smiled at her, before snapping out of it. They both looked at the clock and saw the time being 8:00 pm. 

Infinite: It's.. is that a bad thing? 

Momo Yaoyorozu: Not exactly, that means I had to get dressed and head to my room. Say, you wanna wait for me in my room while I get dressed?

Infinite: Uhhhh, sure. 

Momo was happy when he responded yes, this is her chance to get a better understanding about him to get into conclusion about the Jackal. She opens the door and shows him the path to her room, Infinite nods and goes his way to Momo's room. The Jackal had to go straight, then left, and then right to her room, no wonder her mansion is huge. 

Infinite opens the door of her room, surprisingly, it wasn't locked. He would assume why it wasn't locked, but he doesn't want to think that at the moment. Infinite is impressed what he's seen, her bed is huge, lots of books that are collected in the book shelfs, a table with different study notes along with a lamp, he even sees a pic of all her friends at school. Infinite is a little jealous that she has friends or comrades that look up for her, unlike the Jackal, he lost everything. He walked to the bed, it was very soft, and warm. Infinite wants to know how Momo became rich in the first place. 

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