Birthday Gift for Leslie (ChainRose)

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What up everyone! While working on the next chapter of Flame Super Volume 9, I thought of doing a birthday gift for her, and that is a fanfiction of one of my characters and her characters, it is a short fanfiction so I hope you guys enjoy this. ^^i


Took place in alternative universe from When Shadow Rises Book 1

It was a cloudy day, with a little sunshine showing from the clouds. In one of the roofs, a hedgehog and dog hybrid was just sitting at the roofs in one of the apartment, that is Rush. The cousin of the ultimate lifeform (Crash) and one of the members to Team X, he thought of visiting this place as a vacation since he doesn't have much to do.

"Even though the clouds makes it less fun and enjoyable, at least no crime is happening." Rush said.

He just remember he has to meet up with Flame and Crash for a brief meeting, Rush hopes the meeting isn't boring.

He looks down to check the view, there's something that caught his attention, it was two girls walking. Rush can sense one of their aura's, only one of them has a different aura from the other. The two girls he sees is April and Teresa, he has some experience with seeing girls, but in this dimension, he started to caught his attention to Teresa, there's something about her that makes her special.

Rush's hair started to sense something is coming to their direction, he looks at every view to see what's coming. He doesn't get it, what threat cause his hair to alert him? That's where he realized there's only one thing that may cause it, he quickly zip to check in different areas, he was right. He sees a portal gate that is 20 feet in height, something that came out from another world to this world, this isn't good.

"You've got to be kidding me. Welp, I only have 5 minutes before I come back to my world, I'll make sure no one gets hurt, even those two girls."

With a confidence smile, he flew to where the threat is heading. In the park, Teresa and April found a perfect spot to relax, just one more day before they're out of school. The clouds strated to clear out a little, April checked her phone to see what's the News, it was 3 pm in her phone. Teresa looked one of the lakes with the group of deers, nature is sure is beautiful.

That moment start to change when the deers ran off quickly, even bunch of birds fly off. Suddenly, a loud sound is heading close, a foot step, but it was different, it was big. April put her phone to her pocket to see what's going on.

"What's going on?" asked April.

"I don't know, but something big is coming." Teresa replied.

"But we don't have any large animal in this city, what could have-"

To their answer, it was a large 16 feet tall male Carnotaurus, with weird horn shape and a scar on his left side. April and Teresa couldn't believe what they're seeing, it's a dinosaur. They thought they were extinct 66 million years ago, it was massive, bigger then the Carnotaurus's skeleton in the museum.

"Are you seeing what I am seeing, Tree?"

"Y-yeah. It's a dinosaur."

The Carno looked around the environment of the park, only two figures he can see, growling. Those are his two meal for today, this was bad, as they got up and slowly step back. The Carno doesn't look please as he roars, they begin to run as fast as they can, the Carno begins to run and chase after them. Unfortunately, Teresa trip one of the small rocks and falls over, April stops and sees the Carno is gaining up close.

"This will not end well.."

A beam of light hits the dino and fell over. Rush made it in time, April and Teresa just looked at him flying, Rush looked at Teresa and offer a hand to get up.

"Need a hand?" asked Rush.

"Uhh, sure."

She grab Rush's hand to get up, Teresa has never seen anything like him, as she got up, April hugged Teresa. He smiles at the two, Rush looked back and see the Carno wasn't fully down, roaring in anger, he managed to get his balance. The hybrid looked back and see one of the portal gate just showed up at the perfect time, he has a plan. The two broke their hug and focus what's happening.

"So what now?"

"The plan is simple.. Keep running in different directions till it reaches to that." He pointed to the portal gate to what he meant.

"Sound good? You'll get what I am saying once you tried. Oh, I forgot, the names Rush. And you two are?"

"I'm April and this is Teresa or Tree I call her."

"Teresa? I.. I actually liked that name."

He focused on the Carno, looking angrily at the three, he charges towards them. They went in different directions, the Carno chased after April, despite the size difference, it struggles to grab a bite around her size. She went to another direction, the Carno stops his footing and catch his balance, he sees Teresa was running, the Carno then chase after her. They were close to the portal gate, as the Carno was close of getting her, she ducks when the Carno attempt to bite her, that's where Rush flying knee to Carno's face, sending him enough force to be sent to the portal gate, returning back to his original timeline. The portal gate closes, it was different from what the other Team X's has planned out.

April and Teresa cheered in victory, this was like their first battle to win in a way. Rush stretched his body for a warmup, he realized he needs to head off now, before he heads off, Teresa went to Rush.

"Hey Rush, I would like to thank you for saving us." thanked Teresa.

"Hey what I can say? Just a guy who wants to help others out who can't defend themself." Rush stated.

"Will we see you again?"

"Maybe another time we will meet again."

As he float with a orange aura, April wave her hands. Rush gave a thumbs up to the both of them, "Until next time."

Rush flew off with enough speed to travel back to his world. This isn't the last they'll see him.


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