1: Please

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"Join me... please" was all he said. "I'll give you anything" he said, holding his hand out further. "If I do this, then you have to tell them to stop firing my friends." Rey said. "I swear" he said. Rey reached out through the force to get Leia's attention. I'm sorry. I'm doing this to help the Resistance. She said to Leia through the force. Rey held her hand out and put hers in his. Ben smiled. "Thank you, Rey." He said. 

In the shuttle Leia was in, she sensed Rey. I'm sorry. I'm doing this to help the Resistance. Leia heard. It's alright Rey, Thank you. Leia said through the force. "General, they stopped firing all the sudden!!! We're safe!" One man said. Poe was surprised, but didn't complain. "Rose, Finn, you guys are a genius!" Poe screamed, thinking Finn and Rose did it. "Everyone, I have an announcement to make when we land on Crait" Leia said. Poe was confused. What was this about?

On Crait, Leia gathered the remains of the Resistance. Finn and Rose had just gotten there. They told Poe that they didn't stop the shooting. Poe was still very confused. If it wasn't Finn and Rose, then who was it? "Rey has joined the First Order." Leia said. Everyone gasped. "No...... not Rey..." Finn mumbled. "How?! General are you sure?!" Finn screamed. "She did it to save us. If she hadn't joined them then we wouldn't be here. We will still remember her as a hero." Leia said. Some people felt betrayed, some felt sad, others didn't care. Finn felt all of those things. He couldn't believe it. "General, why? Why did she join them? I don't understand!" Rose said. "I fear we can't stay here much longer. We need to find a new base" Leia said, ignoring Rose's question.

Back on the surpremcy, everyone was evacuating. The Resistance cruiser had blasted into the ship. Ben pulled Rey across halls. "I know how to run Ben" she said. Ben nodded quickly and let go of her hand. "Just keep up, okay?" He said while running. "I know!" Rey replied as she followed Ben to a ship.

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