3: Life Isn't Always What It's Cut Out To Be

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Rey started out a window, looking into space. There were a few ships, but nothing much. 

She looked at the thousands of stars in space. 

She looked around, and saw the planet that the first order was going to turn into their new base. It was abandoned, so that would make it much easier to set up a base.

Ben walked in the room, wondering what Rey was doing.

 "What are you up to today?" He asked, walking towards her. "Oh nothing, just looking out a window." She replied. Ben smiled and also looked out the window.

"I told you that you'd join the first order. And you said you wouldn't. But look where you are now." He said, smirking. 

Rey rolled her eyes. "So what if you were right. Honestly, you don't need to make a big deal about it." Rey replied.

The next day, Rey sat quietly in a chair. Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Sir. We've tracked the Resistance." Someone said. "What?! How?! I never ordered any tracking!" Ben shouted. 

"Well, they found us. They are asking to speak with the Jedi" the trooper replied. "First of all, shes not a Jedi anymore. Second, I don't think she should be talking to them after her last chat with them." Ben spat. "Sir, they are demanding it! They are threatening too blow up this ship if they don't speak to her!" The trooper said. Ben looked at Rey, who nodded. Ben opened the door. "Okay. She's going to talk to them." Ben said, opening the door.

Rey's long dress dragged in the floor. She followed Ben to a room. "Put them online" Ben said to hux. "But sir!" Hux started. "NO ARGUMENTS. PUT THEM ONLINE NOW" Ben demanded. Then, an image of Poe appeared on the screen. "It's Rey. What is it?" She asked. Even though Poe was far away, she could sense lots of pain and sadness coming from him.

"Leia is very sick. I am now in charge of the Resistance until Leia gets better, if she does." He said.

"You know that I am upset about that, but what does this have to do with me? You know that I can sense it" Rey replied.

"We need you to come back to the Resistance, Rey. Luke skywalker is dead and your the last Jedi. We need you here Rey." He said. Ben suddenly jumped in. 

"SHES NOT A JEDI ANYMORE DAMERON." He screamed. "Shall I cut them off?" Hux asked. "NO" Ben shot back. "Excuse me for a moment" Rey said, walking out of the room. Ben followed her. Hux faced the screen and cut the resistance off.

Rey sobbed in her bed. "Rey," Ben started. "Ben, Leia is sick!" Rey said. "I know." He said. 

Hi guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I hope you all have a good day!


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