4: Tell Me

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The next few days weren't exactly the same. Rey was torn between many thoughts. The dark and light pulled at her like it never had before. The dark had always pulled her, but now the light pulls. Both sides pull. 

Ben notices the whole thing. She's being completely torn into pieces. He quickly realizes that he needs to do something. And fast.

He see the Jedi texts in one of Rey's drawers. "Here goes nothing." He says as he picks up a book.

He spends hours reading. He learned thing that luke never told him. "What's a grey Jedi?" He wondered as he read another chapter. He was completely confused. The chapter read,

A grey jedi, is not a jedi or a Sith. They use both light and dark for good and bad. 

He then stopped reading. "Huh. Interesting..." he said as he looked back at the chapter to continue reading.

There are two people meant to be grey Jedi. A dyad, and the chosen one.  If these aren't grey, then both sides will try to pull them in between the light and dark. It's not a comfortable situation, but it won't stop until the person is grey.

Ben sat confused. Was this the reason Rey was being pulled? Was this why? He then decided that Rey wasn't supposed to be Sith or Jedi. He needed to tell her what he read. And fast.

Rey sat in her bed. Alone, afraid, and hurt. "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO EVEN BE?!" She screamed. It hurt more that day then it ever had. Then, Ben rushed into her room. "Rey! Your never going to believe this!" He said, handing her the book. "What's this?" Rey asked. "Just read it!" He replied. Rey read it.

"So, this is why?" She said quietly. "Yes!" He replied. Rey smiled. "I guess I wasn't supposed to be a Sith or Jedi after all!" Rey said smiling. She then felt the pain slowly disappear. 

Hi guys! How's your day going? I hope you all are enjoying the story! And don't worry, Leia will be fine.


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