12: Sequel

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Hiya Reylos and hammys! So, I promised a sequel, but Wattpad is being annoying and won't let me make another story. It's probably just a glitch. 

Btw this sequel is dedicated to 

Ben sat in a small corner of the room. Rey was about to give birth and Ben has to wait, outside if the room.

Ben worried and worried, until a doctor came out.

"She gave birth!" The doctor said. Ben dashed right past the doctor and into the room.

"Rey!" He said. Rey smiled. "What gender is it?" Ben asked. "It's a girl" Rey said while smiling.

The baby had black hair and brown eyes. "She's beautiful, but not as beautiful as you" Ben said while smiling. Rey giggled.

Then they heard loud footsteps. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME???" Ben screamed. He thought something was coming to ruin his child's birth.

Luckily, it was just leia

"WHERE IS MY GRANDCHILD???" She said as she busted through the doors. Ben sighed. "Mom, she's right here. Also, you scared me to death" Ben said.

"Awwww, it's a girl? That's so adorable!" She said as she walked towards Rey. 

"Yep! Meet your granddaughter" Rey replied. "What's her name?" Leia asked. Rey and Ben glanced at each other.

"We don't know" Rey replied. "But I might have an idea" Rey added. Rey leaned close to Ben and whispered something. Ben nodded. "That's a great idea!" He said.

"Okay, her name is Hannah. We basically named her after Han" Rey said. "That's so sweet!" Leia said. "Hello Hannah. I'm your grandmother!" She added. 

Hi guys! I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. I'm also sorry if anyone used this same idea for a baby name for Rey and Ben's daughter. If I copied anyone, it was a coincidence.


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