11: Wedding

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(Art is not mine)

A few months went by. Rey couldn't sleep that night. After all, the next day WAS her and Ben's wedding.

"Rey you need your sleep!" Rose said. "Okay okay." Rey replied.

The next day was very crazy. In fact, so crazy that Poe almost broke his leg trying to put up decorations. 

"I'm gonna die" Poe said. "Jeez. Dude your NOT dying yet!" Finn replied. "Sheesh Dameron. You don't need to be a baby about this" Ben scolded.

 "Ben, his name is Poe." Rey said. "Okay." Ben replied.

 Most of the day was just decorating. Rose decided to make the cake, especially since last time they bought a cake, it was all smushed and didn't even taste good. And, Rose loved baking.

Later on, Rey was getting ready. Rose helped her.

"Ouch. Why do these dresses itch so much?" Rey said. "I don't know" Rose said.

Rose was the maid of honor, mostly because Rey didn't have any siblings, but also because Rose felt like a sister to Rey.

Then leia walked in. "How's everything going?" Leia asked. "Great, except for the fact that all the dresses itch so bad" Rey replied.

"Hm. I think I can fix that" leia said smiling. Leia then left the room and returned with a white dress.

"This used to be my mother's, then I wore it on my wedding. Here" leia said, handing Rey the dress. "It's very pretty" Rey replied.

After Rey was ready, she went to walk down the aisle. 

(Sorry if I spelled that wrong)

She walked and then stopped when she was in front of Ben. They barely even payed attention to any of the words that were said. Rey looked around and saw tons of Force ghosts. There was luke, Ben's grandparents, Han, and a bunch of other Jedi. She also saw her parents way in the back.

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest said. And then they kissed.

1 month later

"Man that was definitely a good story" Poe said. "IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED." Rose corrected.

"Well, I have some good news!" Rey said after laughing. "What???" Rose asked. "I'm pregnant!" Rey exclaimed. Finn and Poe's jaws dropped and rose ran to hug Rey. "Yay!!! Does leia know???" Rose asked.

"Well, not yet, but let's FaceTime her!" Rey replied as she grabbed her holopad. 

"Hi leia!" Everyone except Ben said. "Hi mom!" Ben added. "Hi everyone! How's your day?" Leia asked. "Well, mom, me and Rey have some news" Ben replied. "Really?" Leia said. Ben nodded. "I'm pregnant!" Rey said. Leia's jaw dropped. "Really?! I'm gonna be a grandmother???!!!" Leia exclaimed. Rey nodded. "Yup!" Rey replied. 

Everything was peaceful. Everyone chatted with leia for hours.

Rey was happy that Poe and Finn were finally getting along with Ben. Rose and Rey talked for hours. Even though it had been a month since they talked, it seemed like they hadn't seen each other for years.

And they all lived their lives happily ever after.

The End...

Hi guys! I hope you liked the story!

Should I do a sequel??? If so, plz comment a smiley face emoji if yes.

Have a great day!


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