9: Telling The Truth

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Rey walked down ramps of a ship. She saw Finn and Poe waiting for her. 

"Hi guys..." she said. "I have some news" she added.

Finn and Poe were a bit puzzled.

"We know! You destroyed Palpatine and probably Ren!" Poe said happily. Finn nodded excitingly. 

"Ugh I told you" she mumbled. Finn was confused. He looked at the huge forest behind her. He saw a tall figure in the woods.

"Umm, who's that?" He said, pointing to the figure. 

The figure walked forward. Finn got scared out of his mind. "POE HELP!!!!!!" He  screamed. The figured started to laugh.

"Seriously? You think I'm gonna hurt you?" The figure said. Rey couldn't help laughing. 

"Uh, Rey. Is that your dad?" Poe asked. Rey smiled. Time for a last minute prank.

"Yup. It's me. Her dad" The figure said. "Yeah. Dad don't scare them" Rey said laughing.

Poe sighed in relief. "Man. That scared me." Poe said. "For a second I thought that was Kylo Ren." He added. Ben stepped out from the shadows. Poe's jaw dropped. And Finn just fainted.

Rey ran to Finn. "Finn?" She said worried. "I'm fine, BUT KYLO REN IS HERE" Finn screamed as he woke up. Everyone heard. "someone's got some explaining to do" Ben said. 

"I guess so" Rey replied.

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry that it's been a while since I've updated this. I haven't had much time to update and it will probably be a long time until I can update as much as I used to.


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